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Re: [udig-devel] jconsole integration

I updated and tried to make a snapshot release today and have gotten stuck …
that is strange. I can export without problems.
I was doing the command line maven build thing. 
1) produce not requires console
What is produce?

That was supported to be product (sigh!). The product now wanted to export with jconsole, but that was not one of the plugins hooked into tycho yet.
2) added jconsole pom.xml into the mix
oh yes, I did the changes in the eclipse environment, never did it on
the pom part. Sorry.
I think I got that sorted, I will commit shortly! I had to add the org.eclipse.ui.ide back into the mix (wizards and all). But no sense having a broken build. 
3) requires org.eclipse.ui.editors which is fine (and has been added to
net.refractions.udig_base feature yay!)


4) which fails as we explicitly exclude *org.eclipse.ui.ide* (since it adds
a bunch of menus and wizards to our app)
This also got added back. AND I added activities to filter away the
stuff. So we are good.

Well maven build was still explicitly removing that plugin (as a mistake). So the command line build was failing. 
There should be no problem. Well, adding things to the command line
build. But I have no real idea what all the necessary steps are. Am
still an old fashioned eclipse exported. If you direct me i will take
care of it.
How about I commit what I have done, and you give it a go on your machine :-)

The steps are:
a) copy a pom.xml from another module
b) make the pom.xml name and version number match the MANIFEST.MF
c) in the plugins/pom.xml add your new module to the list 


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