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Re: [udig-devel] UDig Rendering Performance

Okay I spoke too soon - this helps a bit but does not seem to be the actual source of the problem.

On 27/08/2012 10:43 AM, Emily Gouge wrote:
I've tracked this down with something to do with the WMS renderer.  If
you remove the WMS plugins from the application rendering if fast again.

 From looking at github it looks like some changes were made to the
BasicWMSMetricsFactory2 which I think may be causing the problem.  I'll
see if I can pinpoint what here is causing the issue.


On 27/08/2012 12:36 AM, Jody Garnett wrote:
Do you know when/where the layer properties were set? (Or perhaps you
can point me to the commit log for this change).

Let me find the "key" that was used to store the previous value. Then
we can see where it is used.

The "magic" override that keeps getting in the way (and is apparently
responsible for performance):
- ProjectBlackboardConstants.MAP__PREFERRED_RENDERER (copy of above)
- ProjectBlackboardConstants.LAYER__PREFERRED_RENDERER (copy of above)

- ProjectBlackboardConstants.MAP__LAST_RESORT_RENDERER
-  ProjectBlackboardConstants.LAYER__LAST_RESORT_RENDERER

It looks like these are only being used when sorting the available
renderers; so not quite the smoking gun I was looking for.
Thinking more clearly; if they are only referenced when sorting - we
may have our smoking gun. After all they would need to be set somewhere
to be useful.


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