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Re: [udig-devel] Contributing

Followed the guide, builds correctly as near as I can tell, though I ran into a few glitches in the process. Most I’m assuming were the result of having two separate Eclipse directories and workspace locations (removed both, the JDKs I had accumulated, and the JREs, then re-iterated through the guide. One question I have about the process is on page 03 – Optional More Memory and Launch Shortcut: Eclipse crashed twice without the optional more memory trick used, in the middle of the “build automatically” step at the bottom of page 09. Crash was an “out of memory” error. I am running on a 64-bit Win 7 computer with 4GB RAM/a 3.75GB pagefile, with the 64-bit JRE on page 4, and the 64-bit Eclipse Modeling Tools. For whatever reason, using the optional more memory switch in eclipse.ini solved the problem. Is there some part I’m forgetting that’s 32-bit, or does that switch affect something in 64-bit systems as well?



Owen Brown


Catalyst IT Services

(971) 998-8379


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