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[udig-devel] uDig with Teradata 13


I'm new to uDig and I'm trying to use uDig with Teradata 13 storing spatial objects.

What I have done so far:
1. Spatial Data is stored in Teradata. It works fine. I am able to do spatial queries. I am able to show maps with ArcGIS and FME as connector.
2. uDig is installed and seems to be working. I can connect to Teradata, and all spatially enabled layers are listed.
3. I can add a layer to uDig.

And at this point, trouble begins:
The layer is listed in uDig, but with a remark telling that this layer has no Geometry objects to show.

Our Teradata admin showed me the SQL generated by uDig:

SELECT Polygon_25 FROM DWH_TTST_GEO_VIEW.Geom_Municipal_25 LIMIT 0   

It threw this error message:
-> Syntax ERROR: expected something BETWEEN the word 'Geom_Municipal_25' AND the 'limit' keyword.

Quite strange, because Teradata dosen't seem to know "LIMIT". If I execute this SQL directly (without uDig) without 'LIMIT 0', everything works fine.

The other thing is that our Teradata Admin is very unhappy with this query.
                        TABLENAME AS TABLE_NAMECAST((
                        CAST(NULL AS VARCHAR(100)) AS REF_GENERATION
            AND    DATABASENAME <> 'DBC' 
            AND    (  TABLEKIND IN ('O','T'
            AND    COMMITOPT NOT IN ('D','P'
            OR       TABLEKIND = 'V' ) 

She says, it has been executed about 400 times in 8 sessions...
Why so many sessions? Why so many times?

And the third thing is, that uDig makes a commit statement after every statement, and Teradata (and our Admin) doesn't like this neither. 

Has anybody a hint for me?

Best Regards, Tobias

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