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[udig-devel] Problem setting up a database connection

Hi all,
I tried to programatically connect to a postgis database, using the example from here: , but local.acquire(params,new NullProgressMonitor) returns null. With the same parameters I did successfuly connect to a postgis database through the udig application,thus ruling out the possibility that the params are wrong.
The problem seems to be that PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.checkDBType(Map params) returns false (see line 99 in the class file).

L.E. :If I use postgisng as dbtype ( the wiki says that dbtype “must be postgis”) then acquire() returns PostgisService2 ( which is good, right?). But now comes another problem: to issue jdbc commands I need to adapt PostgisService2 to Connection.class.But PostgisService2.canResolve(Connection.class) and also PostgisService2.canResolve( PostgisDataStore.class ) returns false.Anybody know what the problem is?

BTW: The udig application uses another way (which obviously should be described in the wiki in place of the other, apparently useless, method). It creates a DatabaseConnectionRunnable in which it bypasses the service acquire/ construction part and the canResolve checks and essentially does
BasicDataSource source = PostgisServiceExtension2.getFactory().createDataSource(params );
Connection connection = source.getConnection();
Looks like the udig application doesn't always respect the guidelines set by the devs :) So,in the end, how should I connect to a database ( a postgis one to be precise)?

Thank you in advance for your response

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