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Re: [udig-devel] Let's start the game!

Okay I am on line :-)

Let me try and answer these questions quickly ...
Seems 64 bit Eclipse packages cannot be used since other are 32: is
this right? Can you confirm? Should we use 3.6.1 Eclipse  32 bit or
something  newer?
You can use any eclipse; the delta pack when you configure your target platform will provide the extra platform supported needed to publish an application for windows, linux, mac. 
I think you can use Eclipse 3.7 64 (Modeling tools indigo) . Udig SDK is java
code, so it doesn't depend on the hardware. I mean, where he training doc says
"32" you could change by "64".
I just wrote down the one I test with for windows developers. Use the one that matches your system.

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