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Re: [udig-devel] Let's start the game!

Definitely  Eclipse 3.7 64 can be used if I revert from the most
recent jre with gdal pakage

( 07-May-2011 03:06   46M)

to the ony 64bit available

( 18-May-2010 01:11 35M)

[both from]

Would this cause any issue?


2012/5/8 Mauricio Pazos <mauricio.pazos@xxxxxxxxx>:
> On Tuesday, May 08, 2012 01:12:09 AM Marco Foi wrote:
>> Seems 64 bit Eclipse packages cannot be used since other are 32: is
>> this right? Can you confirm? Should we use 3.6.1 Eclipse  32 bit or
>> something  newer?
> I think you can use Eclipse 3.7 64 (Modeling tools indigo) . Udig SDK is java
> code, so it doesn't depend on the hardware. I mean, where he training doc says
> "32" you could change by "64".
> Maybe Jody can confirm that.
> cheers
> --
> Mauricio Pazos

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