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Re: [udig-devel] More Eclipse related stuff

Good Evening Andrew:

I am going to take some some of your questions on the wiki; so as we sort out an acceptable answer we have a good write up.

The part near the end is taken from your email; I have also linked to the following earlier dependency review:

Aside: If I understand the eclipse house rules correctly (anyone still use those?) the net.refractions.udig.libs plugin responsible for the bulk of our third party dependencies should include many more license files.

Jody Garnett

Questions for the uDig Project

Q:Project name?

As per:

As a defensive measure, the Eclipse Foundation holds the trademark to the Project names on behalf of the Projects - this prevents companies from misusing or misrepresenting their products as being the Projects.) The EMO will initiate a trademark review prior to scheduling a Creation Review. Existing trademarks must be transferred to the Eclipse Foundation (please see the Trademark Transfer Agreement).

A: That seems fine, we have not registered the trademark - although I understand it is in common use around the world in different contexts ( example: "call before u-dig" hotlines).

Q: Third party software?

As you expect, our IP team won't have a mandate to engage until the IWG is launched and the uDig project proposal submitted. Nevertheless, I wanted to take a look to understand a bit about the software distributed in uDig's packaging to educate myself better.

Aside from Eclipse stuff, I see:


  • Q: Is this all code from the uDig project?
  • A: Yes


  • Looks like this was contributed by HydroloGIS, correct?
  • A range of contributors; this package name is in response to academic institutions having trouble contributing to a commercial entity

Apache: Ant, Batik, Lucene, Xerces, XML resolver & serializer, commons, jasper

  • all under Apache license v2

w3c: org.w3c.css.sac and org.w3c.dom events, smil, and svg

  • W3C software license

javax: servlet, xml, and servlet.jsp

  • Apache license v2

org.mortbay: jetty server and util

  • Apache license v2


  • this is a uDig contribution that still needs to be folded into a net.refractions.udig.project.ui plugin icu

  • ICU4J license

com.lowagie: itext

  • (Looks like MPL?)

com.mapquest: mq

  • anyone know what license this is?
  • I think this was a normal uDig contribtion made during google summer of code


  • Q: looks like geotools itself is not actually distributed with udig but instead assumed to be installed on the box, is this correct? Same with gdal?
  • A: This is a uDig plugin for generic GeoTools support. Because of Eclipse Platform limitations GeoTools is packaged in net.refractions.udig.libs along with any support jars it uses. The limitation reflects the use of Java Service Provider Interface (SPI) which was broken in the migration to Eclipse 3.2.

For your reference a previous sponsored activity was the review of the uDig dependencies:

  • Dependencies (this page can be updated as interest permits, you can see evidence of removing projects which we could not build from source)

Q: Contribution agreements

Has uDig used any sort of contribution agreements?

A: No, we have an email record of providing commit access and viewed that as sufficient record (combined with the project standard header assigning (c) to Refractions).

With that in mind we would be willing to adopt one of the Eclipse Foundation contribution agreements.

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