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[udig-devel] m2e experiment to download jars from directly in the IDE

I am experimenting with using the m2e plugin to allow us to quickly download jars for net.refractions.udig.libs from directly in the IDE. I saw a Cliff get this to function but I am not sure what he did...

With that in mind I am giving it a go..

0. Removing teradata libs - talked to Jesse about this a while ago (it was an experiment allowing him to change the teradata jars up frequently without disturbing others).

1. Updated instructions here:

2. Additional build target saved in *net.refractions.udig.libs* called pom-libs.launch

Right now I could not figure out how to make a target that used m2e - so I will have to ask Cliff.

Things to look out for:
- when you right click on projects now you have the option of doing stuff to the pom.xml - don't bother it would engage two build systems and get confused.

Jody Garnett

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