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[udig-devel] context model progress update

Good evening - a quick updated from the trenches (well from Jody and Paul ... Naz did a runner).

Progress so far:
a) We have gotten Naz's pull request in
b) We have updated the model a few times as we sorted things out.

- Map now directly contains a list of layers (this is hooked up to the traditional Map.getLayersInternal() method so a lot of code is continuing to run- yay)
- The map layers list is bi-directional - that is we have a reverse relationship from Layer to Map that EMF is enforcing for us.
- ContextModel is still around but not hooked up to anything anymore.
- Map has a legend - List<LegendItem> which is used for storage; we made sure that the containment relationship betwen Map --> LegendItem and Folder ---> LegendItem was correct so we are confident everything will be saved out. We were also able to walk up the containment pointers and find out what Map any given LegendItem is in.

c) We were able to reuse Jesse's origional LayerList2 implementation; and made a copy LayerList3 that we experimented with for a uni-directional relationship - we will probably kill this as it was not used.

We also tightened up the base classes to use Generics - now that EMF EList classes support that.

d) We quickly tried custom list implementations of Map.getLayers() and Map.getLengend() so that adding a layer to one list will add it to the other. This quick implementation breaks down the moment you try folders - but it is a start.   We are considering using listeners (EMF speak is deep adaptor) on Map.getLegend() so we can detect if a layer is added anywhere (ie even to sub folders etc...).


- You can run uDig again - and something will draw (surprise!)


1) We need to migrate any code that is listening to the Context Model in order to be notified of layer list changes

2) Sort out keeping the Map.getLayers() and Map.getLegend() in sync; fall back position is to generate the list from the legend items each time something changes - and perform a diff for any changes.

3) When loading a map we would like to detect if something has been added to the "old" context model; and copy the results out for the rendering engine to see again

That should be it; Jody will send email when things have settled down - and we could really use a hand testing such an extensive change....

Paul / Jody

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