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[udig-devel] Projection and Edit Mode


i use udig in my own rcp application, now ive got another problem with the map editor.

I have several layers with the projection DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84 and one wmt layer with osm tile data.

So that the tiles are displayed correctly I set in the editor:


getMap().getViewportModelInternal().setCRS(WMTSource.CRS_EPSG_900913); // Google  Mercator


this works well so far, but if I edit a geometry layer, the editgeom is displayed on wrong location on some zoom levels, sometimes its displayed in the atlantic ocean near African west coast (instead germany), sometimes it is displaced somewhere in the current viewport.


This problem occours only if I set the map crs to google Mercator, if I set it to wgs 84 everything is displayed correctly.










Dipl.Inf.(FH) Oliver Bindel

Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft


Altenkesseler Straße 17, Geb. D2

66115 Saarbrücken


Phone : +49 681 58 67 - 567


E-mail: oliver.bindel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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