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Re: [udig-devel] [udig-users] info panel

Ok. My project is going weel.
How can I know if the information button is pressed?

Is there a method like this?
infoButtonIsPressed() : true or false


2011/12/7 Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@xxxxxxxxx>
It might not of been called info view; but yeah 1.1.1 is no longer supported (as it uses a version of GeoTools that is five years old). 

Why don't you grab the source code for 1.1.1 - and copy the internals of the InfoTool; you can make the same call from your own code - which will show the appropriate view.

Jody Garnett

On Wednesday, 7 December 2011 at 6:22 PM, Alberto Debiasi wrote:

I use Udig 1.1.1, I don't have InfoCommand class and InfoView class.
How can I use this classes?


2011/12/7 Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@xxxxxxxxx>
Okay I think the correct thing to do would be a small refactor; if we take the heart of the info tool out into an "InfoCommand" you can call the InfoCommand.

The InfoCommand would then pass the location over to the InfoView and let it do its thing.

Would you like to open an issue in the issue tracker for this. And you are welcome to make a patch to the above effect ...

Jody Garnett

On Wednesday, 7 December 2011 at 2:36 AM, Alberto Debiasi wrote:

I'm developing a 3d map. I would like to:

- Click on a object in the 3d map (this object is also on the udig 2d map).
- call a method (for example InfoTool.getInfo() with the position of the object as input)
- the method will show all the information in the infoPanel

2011/12/6 Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@xxxxxxxxx>
That is a great question!

Here is the honest answer - we were waiting for someone to ask that question before creating a way.

This is actually project policy:

To quote from the above page:

No API Before Its Time

Additional plug-ins and functionality can be added at the request of the developer community (this means you). We try not to add any functionality without a solid use-case from a real developer, preferably with a running example in a community module.

If what you are looking for is not here - please ask on the developer list.

So I would like to hear from you what you how you would like to hook into the info tool? Can you tell me a story of what you are trying to accomplish?

As a reference point here is how it works today:
1. Right now the InfoTool turns around and opens the InfoView; passing it the coordinate that was clicked on. The InfoView then goes and asks each layer if it has something to say.
2. For the layers that do have something to say; they are listed along the left hand side of the info view (they are basically what the user managed to "hit").
3. If the user selects one of them the result is displayed on the right hand side of the info view. We have support for three things currently:
- get feature info (basically a web URL request to a WMS)
- feature details (we show the feature properties in a normal eclipse properties panel)
- coverage (I think this is a custom view)

Jody Garnett

On Tuesday, 6 December 2011 at 11:35 PM, Alberto Debiasi wrote:

Hello everybody.

How can I intercept the event occurred when I click the "info button" and then I click on a feature on the 2d map?

Which are the methods that manage the information of the selected feature with the infomation panel?



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