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[udig-devel] layer.getResource(FeatureSource.class, null) refreshing


I am having a little problem retrieving features from a layer object, and I dont know if it is normal or not.
The following typical code is not returning up to date results in my udig app.

    	FeatureSource source = layer.getResource(FeatureSource.class, null);
	if (source!=null){
        	FeatureCollection features = source.getFeatures();
        	System.out.println("SIZE "+ features.size());

The layer is a WFS layer from mapserver which access a mysql database, and as mapserver does not support WFS-T, I am inserting new features directly into the database.

INSERT INTO positionReal(id, msGeometry) VALUES (8, GeomFromText('POINT(-4 8.2)',4326));

I can see that after executing this sql insert, the new feature is displayed in the map as soon as I refresh the layer or I pan or do any getMap request, which is great :)
Also, the getFeature request to the server  returns a list with the new feature : http://localhost:8080/cgi-bin/mywfs?SERVICE=WFS&VERSION=1.0.0&request=getfeature&typename=PositionReal :)
But the code above sometimes (most times) keeps returning the old list of features without the new point. 
Do you have any idea why? Is there any way to update the FeatureSource? maybe it is using some kind of cache....
I wonder why rendering the wfs layer, which probably uses a similar code, detects the new feature, and this code does not...

Thank you!!!
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Gracias por su colaboracion.


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