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[udig-devel] draw in map

hello guys I'm trying to create a plugin to draw the map floor plan for an irrigation system, but am having trouble with the fact of drawing lines on the map because the drawings do not move together with the map.
For example if I give a map zoom increases the size but the design stays the same size
this test is that when I give a click on the map it should draw a line from the point you clicked:

Line2D teste = new Line2D.Double(new Double(e.x), new Double(e.y),e.x + 122, e.y + 15);

DrawShapeCommand  dF = getContext().getDrawFactory().createDrawShapeCommand(teste,Color.BLUE);

dF.setStroke(133333, 0);


Anyone know why this desenhao not respond to command together with the map?

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