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Re: [udig-devel] Image Georeferencing View - New snapshot

On Wednesday, May 25, 2011 09:28:33 AM Daniele Romagnoli wrote:

> Hi again Mauricio.

> Today I have another quick question for you before I Dig more deeply in the

> axios community image georeferencing plugins :) Is this georeferencing

> using warping, right?

Yes, It is.

> Is it based on the eu.udig.imagegeoreferencing

> plugin?

Yes, it is. But, to avoid confutions, you should know that it is a new plugin, right now, the sources are not published. Our intention is to upload the source in the gthub in the community space (the next week).

> If affirmative, do you know whether it supports warping with

> polynomial degree > 1?

like eu.udig.imagegeoreferencing our code is set as degree = 1. As you can see in the

WarpTransform2D(final Point2D[] srcCoords, final Point2D[] dstCoords, final int degree);

X-List-Received-Date: Tue, 07 Jun 2011 09:45:51 -0000 Hi all, we have some serious problems (again) with the projects/map handling. This time at least i was able to do some serious testing. It all starts with downloading the natrual earth data [0] and in particular the "Natural Earth quick start kit" [1], which is nicely supplied with an Arcgis project file and a QGis project file to open and be happy with at once. So I thought it would be nice to have also a uDig project to put there, so people could be happy with uDig also. Well, right now this doesn't seem to be possible. uDig projects are not portable, not relative, not... What I did was downloading the starter kit, unzip it in a parent folder (Natural_Earth_quick_start) and finding the following folders and files: 10m_cultural (data folder) 110m_cultural (data folder) 50m_raster (data folder) 10m_physical (data folder) 110m_physical (data folder) Natural_Earth_quick_start_for_QGIS.qgs (QGis project) Natural_Earth_quick_start_for_ArcMap.mxd (Arcgis project) So I loaded all the data in different maps (one per folder) and created in the same folder a uDig project with the maps in it: Natural_Earth_quick_start.udig I then removed everything from my workspace and restarted uDig "clean" with the idea to check if the project reloads even if I change some parent path (to make sure it is relative). Alright, here my findings: - I can't reload the project. When I try, I get a pile of "unable to load map" - I can load the single maps (*.umap), that one works - if I change the parent folder to Natural_Earth_quick_start2, even the maps do not load, or better they load but no data is available because they refer to the old paths The result is that the uDig projects are not portable at all, i.e. we are not able to share data styled and organised through a uDig project with colleagues. I am sorry but I have no time at all to look into this, which also enters the EMF part (and that one makes me cry everytime I get into it), since I am all in pushing the spatial toolbox for uDig at the time. The problem should be fixes once for all, but I know it is not a small one and so I guess no one will have resources to work on it. Just let me say that this in my opinion is a blocker for many users. For the case someone is so mad to get his hands dirty and beat the beast (and be our hero), I attach my uDig project, which contains my paths and may help to debug/fix. Just drop the project into the natural earth starter kit folder. I'll also open an issue on this. Ciao, Andrea [0] [1]

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