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Re: [udig-devel] AtlasStyler SLD editor plugin for uDig possible?

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> I just finished to create the new style editors for uDig which already
> make a much powerful option than before (and also didn't have much
> less than atlas styler last time I checked).
Uff, what a bad timing.. I am sorry. :-/

> It supports even the
> creation of a symbology library inside uDig and merging of types,
> images, all SLD based.
What do you mean by "merging of types" ? Anyways.. I am very interested
to look at the new uDig styler dialogs. The upcoming release will
contain them?

>> I have no experience with SWT or "Eclipse-based" programming, but I fear
>> it will not be possible to add a Swing-based JDialog to uDig?
> There is actually a AWT-SWT bridge, but that usualy leads to a very
> ugly results, so it should be SWT to look really good afaik.
> Do you handle internally everything in SLD? Pehaps you can start on
> what I already did?

> Jody wrote:
> Well we could always call out to it on the command line; and get a style back.
Mmm... one couldn't pass the GT Objects like FeatureStores. So AS would
theoretically have to create a second connection to a WFS ... Not nice...

> Depending on the structure of your code; it may be easiest to share the style generation stuff (or even add it to geotools gt-brewer module) and create a second user interface in swt?
ascore (= AtlasStyler Core) is available as a stand-alone maven artifact
that doesn't depend on any Swing.

I would say that 75% of AS work is the Swing-GUI. So sadly I see no time
or sense to rewrite the GUI in SWT. I hoped it would be possible to
reuse the GUI directly somehow and make a plugin in just two days of
work ;-)

> In anycase any collabration on hacking up beautiful styles would be very welcome.
I will keep thinking...


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