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Re: [udig-devel] AtlasStyler SLD editor plugin for uDig possible?

Hi Stefan,
just to let you know that I hate you for the timing :)

I just finished to create the new style editors for uDig which already
make a much powerful option than before (and also didn't have much
less than atlas styler last time I checked). It supports even the
creation of a symbology library inside uDig and merging of types,
images, all SLD based.

If I knew that this would have been an option, I would have been way
more happy to support you with every possible SWT coding and support
and not reinvent the wheel, since I actualy love the idea of the atlas

Well, that said, I would like to see the outcome of such an effort, so
I can probably help, even if with few time.

> I develop AtlasStyler[1], a Geotools + Swing based application to create
> SLDs. I think it is much more powerfull than the styling options in
> uDig, especially since AtlasStyler version 1.7
> Since uDig and AtlasStyler are both Geotools based, I was wondering,
> whether it would be able to write a Atlastyler plugin for uDig.
> In case it would be possible, this is how it could work for one layer:
> * Create an AtlasStyler instance with a FeatureSource and optionally a
> Style to load.
> * Register a listener with the AtlasStyler, so that style changes can be
> preview in the main map pane.
> * Create an StylerDialog with the AtlasStyler and display it to the user.
> I have no experience with SWT or "Eclipse-based" programming, but I fear
> it will not be possible to add a Swing-based JDialog to uDig?

There is actually a AWT-SWT bridge, but that usualy leads to a very
ugly results, so it should be SWT to look really good afaik.

Do you handle internally everything in SLD? Pehaps you can start on
what I already did?


> Greetings,
> Steve
> [1]
> - --
> Stefan A. Tzeggai
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> _______________________________________________
> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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