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Re: [udig-devel] Proposed change to URLUtils

Ah then there might be a typo on the '02 Checkout Source Code' page.

it says:

C:\java\udig> git clone git://

C:\java\udig> git clone git@xxxxxxxxxxxxx:udig/udig-platform.git

I had the SSH key (though I just made and added a new one to make sure) but I was using the git:// instead, I will try checking out with the git@ now.


On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 10:05 AM, Jesse Eichar <jesse.eichar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
In order to push you have to create an SSH key and put the public portion of that key in your gitorious account.  Make sure you do that.  

Also you may need to clone from the ssh URL to be able to write.  I am not sure but looking at my repo it looks that is what I have used.

for example one url looks like:  git@xxxxxxxxxxxxx:udig/udig-platform.git

That is writeable.


On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 3:52 PM, Justin Lynch <jlynch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

So far I can't figure out how to get a write copy of my gitorious clone. I am using the url that gitorious tells me with the git://  opposed to the read only git@ but it always tells me 'The git:// protocol is read-only.' when I try to push.

I think I might have made a mistake when installing the client so I will try clearing that and trying again.


On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 2:00 AM, Jesse Eichar <jesse.eichar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Which page are you looking at?  And please give us feedback on how that goes.  We just changed to Git so perhaps those instructions need updating.  I appreciate the feedback you can give us.


On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 10:44 PM, Justin Lynch <jlynch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Please ignore I am going to try to follow the instructions on the wiki on how to make a change.

On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 3:08 PM, Justin Lynch <jlynch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
In plug-in 'net.refractions.udig.catalog' package 'net.refractions.udig.catalog' file 

in function urlEquals -which starts at about line 47. 

Currently has:

66 String string1 = URLUtils.urlToString(url1, stripRef);
67 String string2 = URLUtils.urlToString(url2, stripRef);
I propose changing it to:

66 String string1 = URLUtils.urlToString(url1, stripRef).replace("%20", " ").toLowerCase();
67 String string2 = URLUtils.urlToString(url2, stripRef).replace("%20", " ").toLowerCase();

This fixes a lot of the problems I run into with spaces and fixes where a shapefile gets added to the catalog with capital drive letter and then something trys to load it using a lowercase drive letter. The only downside I can see is if you are on a *nix box and someone really wants to have different shapefiles with the same name and only capitalization differences, something that seems silly to do and impossible on at least windows.  

Thank you for your time,
Justin Lynch

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