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Re: [udig-devel] PSC RFC Migrate to GIT


So it appears that all solutions require SSH keys, which is a bit of a bummer.  On the other hand we are all developers here and should be able to figure out SSH keys... even on windows ;).

After some research I am now all for  The reason is that it has most of the Github goodness, nice UI.  Has several very large projects (KDE, Webkit).  I say that because it means Gitorius should be around for a while.

The big reason I like it is that it is easy to collaborate.  For example I created a udig-pmc team and  a udig-devel team.  I gave udig-pmc admin and commit access to the udig repository.  I gave udig-devel only commit access.  It is super easy to manage the different teams.  Everyone has read access.

Each user can have several projects and each project can have several repositories.  So in the uDig core we can have 3 repositories (just an example we can worry about details later):

Certified Extensions

There could also be a Community project that can contain several repositories for the different sub-projects.  Each project can have its own committers.

Finally, all projects can be easily transfered between owners.  For example uDig could give me the project or (it appears) it could be owned directly by udig-pmc team.  Pretty great.

So that gets my vote.  

I think Andrea and Jody gave their blessings during a discussion I had with them earlier as well.


On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 1:20 PM, andrea antonello <andrea.antonello@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Jody,

> The frist questions is between:
> -
> -
> github has amazing tools, but only offers a limited size repository (unless
> you pay money each month). The assembla one offers larger repository. We are
> trying to sort out if either of them offers more than one administrator.

Ok, if possible, check if assembla can be used without the ssh keys
mechanics. I am worried that this might give some problem for new
users. Https pushing through authentication would be better IMO.


> Jody
> _______________________________________________
> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)
User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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