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Re: [udig-devel] Blueprint for Open Source Web Mapping using uDig


The udig page is here:

Step 1; you will need to ask people to close the initial welcome page
Step 2: you don't have to create a project before use; you can skip directly to adding layers and it will create a default project and map for you

You end the page with "Now that all of the layers have their own styled layer descriptors, it is time to move onto the next software: GeoServer. Since this blueprint has been written using a VISTA computer, GeoServer did not install in an easy way like the instructions on the website said. In an effort to help others who may use this blueprint, the following instructions have been included."

You may want to save that to the introduction to the page on GeoServer?

On 22/06/2010, at 12:43 PM, MICHELLE ELIZABETH BALLINGER wrote:


Any suggestions for changes to my text, I would be happy to consider. I hope my document will be helpful to the community.

Please let me know if there is any other feedback you or others have.

Thank you,
M. Ballinger

Our existing documentation is in an open wiki; and code repository. Open
source projects do not generally have spare volunteers to help :-)

Your existing instructions look fine thus far; if
your shapefiles had a sidecar "sld" file uDig would take that as the
default style (and not trouble your users with a  " probably create a pretty ugly map").

closest document we have to yours is:

your document is complete we can of course add it to the wiki "Getting
Started" section; and it will be included in subsequent releases of


17/06/2010, at 1:52 PM, MICHELLE ELIZABETH BALLINGER wrote:

uDig Community,


I am interested in providing a tutorial that includes uDig, and I would
like to
ask for your help. I am a masters candidate for graduation at Penn State
Campus with a Masters in Geographic Information Systems degree. My
project is a Blueprint for Open Source Web Mapping. I am creating a step
step outline for the public's use to create open source web maps of a
topic of
their choice. I would greatly appreciate feedback from you to improve my
project. I am releasing a draft of the Blueprint at  I would then hope to work with you during the
next month to make sure the Blueprint is a valuable addition to existing
documentation. Thank you for your consideration.


M. Ballinger

User-friendly Desktop
Internet GIS (uDig)

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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