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Re: [udig-devel] wps client work

andrea antonello ha scritto:
On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 9:09 AM, Andrea Aime <aaime@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Jody Garnett ha scritto:
Just a general heads up - I have a couple of weeks to work on WPS client

My goals are to focus on:
- ease of use (our existing view is okay but hardly friendly; while I
understand we cannot have a generic client and expect it to be perfectly
friendly I think we can do a bit better then raw WKT for geometry)
- feature collection in and out
- grid coverage out (not sure how to go about getting them in?) Perhaps
JGrass can shed some light on if there is a GIS selection convention for
selecting from a raster? All I can think of is a raster plus "mask"?

Today I am mostly hunting down the different WPS server implementation and
seeing what demo servers are available:
- 52 North
- ZooWPS
- GeoServer WPS Community module
No demo server available, the raster processes are still kind of a work in
progress, the two raster2vector and vector2raster ones start but fail during
execution (still have to check why) and the Sextante ones cannot
run because the bridge towards Sextante rasters is incomplete (Sextante
makes a lot of assumptions about rasters that we don't, still have to
compensate and match our general model to the Sextante "everything
is an arcgrid file" one).

Is there a way I could try the jgrasstools algos in your WPS
environment? Would that be a big effort? Would you be even interested?

If jgrasstools is using the geotools process api in theory it should be a matter of adding a maven dependency to the module.
In practice even if you're already there some debugging to align either
side to match will most likely be necessary.

I believe I'm interested, it's just hard to find the time. But if
it's really just a matter of adding a dependency I can give it a
spin this Friday.

What is required to use those tools?


Andrea Aime
OpenGeo -
Expert service straight from the developers.

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