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[udig-devel] uDig-1.2-RC2 on OS X 10.6 missing GDAL Bindings? Yes...

I think we are in the same spot yes.

The answer is we need someone to build the native libraries. If you
have a mac perhaps you could volunteer?
There are prepackaged GDAL / PROJECT archives; it the bindings we need

Have a look at an earlier release Jesse made that he modified the
plist settings to include two paths? I think it was 1.2-M6 but you
will need to ask on the email list. It used an earlier version of the
bindings which a volunteer compiled for us.

Since this time the imageio-ext project updated to a newer version of
gdal; and no volunteer has stepped forward.

Finally I am a bit stuck about your build not working? Your build
worked - the application is just telling you it cannot support those
file formats.
Nobody can support those file formats until we get a volunteer.

Frankly I am no longer waiting for this functionality for uDig 1.2.0;
mac users can do without or step up and do the work.


On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 11:59 AM, Tawan Banchuen
<t.banchuen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Jody,
> I am having a problem, which I believe you came across before as a fellow
> Mac user.  I tried the udig-devel list, but I have not gotten any responses.
> I cannot get my build to work correctly (see the stack trace below,
> especially in red).  From some Internet searching, I am missing a few native
> libraries in my LD_LIBRARY_PATH and DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH and need to allow
> access to my gdal_data folder.
> Where can I obtain these native libraries? Is there a tutorial on how to
> configure the gdal_data folder? I am not quite sure where to find this
> folder.
> Thank you very much for your help.
> Best wishes,
> Tawan
> I am hoping you can help.
> !SESSION 2010-05-12 17:15:02.246
> -----------------------------------------------
> eclipse.buildId=unknown
> java.version=1.6.0_17
> java.vendor=Apple Inc.
> BootLoader constants: OS=macosx, ARCH=x86_64, WS=cocoa, NL=en_US
> Framework arguments:  -product
> net.refractions.udig.tutorial.seagulls.product
> Command-line arguments:  -product
> net.refractions.udig.tutorial.seagulls.product -data
> /Users/local/EC/tban019/Documents/Research/eclipse/maxosx64/udig-1.2-RC2-Eclipse3.5.2/../runtime-net.refractions.udig.tutorial.seagulls.product
> -dev
> file:/Users/local/EC/tban019/Documents/Research/eclipse/maxosx64/udig-1.2-RC2-Eclipse3.5.2/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/net.refractions.udig.tutorial.seagulls.product/
> -os macosx -ws cocoa -arch x86_64 -consolelog
> !ENTRY net.refractions.udig.ui 1 0 2010-05-12 17:15:08.500
> !MESSAGE Unable to parse version from about.mappings file. Defaulting to a
> blank string.
> 2010-05-12 17:15:09.321 java[2009:903] Process manager already initialized
> -- can't fully enable headless mode.
> May 12, 2010 5:16:23 PM it.geosolutions.imageio.gdalframework.GDALUtilities
> loadGDAL
> WARNING: Native library load no
> gdaljni in java.library.path
> May 12, 2010 5:16:23 PM it.geosolutions.util.KakaduUtilities loadKakadu
> WARNING: Native library load no
> kdu_jni in java.library.path
> !ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 2 1 2010-05-12 17:16:27.115
> !MESSAGE NLS unused message: more in:
> net.refractions.udig.render.gridcoverage.basic.internal.messages

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