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[udig-devel] uDig/Neo4j Google Summer of Code on uDig Blog

Hi All,

I've just announced the upcoming Google Summer of Code project on the uDig Blog:

In two weeks time the Google Summer of Code for 2010 starts, and this year uDig is taking part with an exciting project riding the current NoSQL wave, one of the hottest topics concerning databases in a long time.

Davide Savazzi, a student at the Università degli Studi di Pavia, Italy, and an experienced GIS developer, is doing a project titled 'Adding support for Neo4j graph database in Geotools and uDIG'. We are particularly excited to have Davide involved in this project because he has already made core contributions to the underlying 'Neo4j Spatial' project, which is building GIS capabilities into the graph database itself.

Read more about this at

Regards, Craig

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