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[udig-devel] Point symbolizer questions

I am using uDig 1.1.1 and I need to represent programaticaly a point on a layer as an image.
I can represent it as a Circle for example with the code bellow.
Question 1)
Is this the correct way to do it?
Question 2)
At the end I have 3 lines of code that I use to assign the style to the layer. Which one should I use? I try several  combinations and all of them seems to work!
  actLayer.getStyleBlackboard().put(SLDContent.ID, pointStyle);
Question 3)
How should I change the could if I want to use an image like a JPG or an ICON to represent the point instead one of the pre-defined symbols?
----- Code -----
  StyleBuilder sb=new StyleBuilder();
  PointSymbolizer pointSymb = sb.createPointSymbolizer();
  Mark circle = sb.createMark(StyleBuilder.MARK_CIRCLE, sb.createFill(, 0.5), null);//,;
  pointSymb.setGraphic(sb.createGraphic(null, circle, null, 1, 10, 0));
  Style pointStyle=sb.createStyle();
  FeatureTypeStyle[] fts = new FeatureTypeStyle[1];
  ILayer actLayer = context.getSelectedLayer();
  Style sld = (Style) actLayer.getStyleBlackboard().get(SLDContent.ID);
  actLayer.getStyleBlackboard().put(SLDContent.ID, pointStyle);
Thank you for your help.
Rui Alves

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