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Re: [udig-devel] Oracle NG


I'm back to oracle ng and the OracleSpatialConnectionFactory. As I understand, I need a context object to in various operations. The class is being passed a null context in all cases. I'm lost.

Anyone with a hint for me and/or willing to help me out?

Thanks in advance.



Ugo Taddei wrote:

I'm some 10 classes further but (perhaps) approaching a solution. I'vetracked this to an EndConnectionState class. See public boolean run( IProgressMonitor ).

The code is bailing out at  (line ~120)
if (params == null && urls.isEmpty()) {

                    return false; // could not build connection info

params is null and urls are empty! So, to the next factory:OracleSpatialConnectionFactory, which "appears to be glue code added by Jesse" and is either returns null or false.

So, I guess oracle will never work, unless I (or someone else :-) fills in the blanks, right? If this so, I'm back to action on monday.


Ps. just a note afterwards...having thrown UnsupportedOperationExceptions (or some other runtime exception) in the OracleSpatialConnectionFactory would have saved me (and will save others) a lot of time :-(

Jesse Eichar wrote:
From what you are saying it sounds like the Geotools DatastoreFactory for Oracle cannot process the parameters? Could you make sure that Jody remembered to update the DatastoreFactory for Oracle and after that maybe hop on the GT list and ask if there is a problem with the parameters you are using.


On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 3:23 PM, Ugo Taddei <ugo.taddei@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:ugo.taddei@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:


    I'm trying to test trunk against an Oracle DB and getting stuck at

    protected boolean doIsPageComplete() {
           Map<String, Serializable> p = getParams();
           if (p == null) {
               return false;
           //this is always false
           boolean r = getDataStoreFactorySpi().canProcess(p);

           return r;

The OracleServiceExtension.getFactory() cannot process the parameters. I have schema, port, passwd, dbtype, host, user and database. All correct (as "Lookup" on the wizard page connects properly). The "next" button on
    the wizard page is always gray.

    Any hints to where to start looking?

    BTW, the "Recent Connections" combo is showing everything, including

    Thanks in advance,

    User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)


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