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Re: [udig-devel] SLD Textsymbolizer not shown in 1.2M6 ?

> hi tony,
> my application acts like your second version: First I create the layers,
> then they are added to the map and the last action is to open the map
> editor. But this has not changed during migration from uDig1.1.1 to
> 1.2M6. I would call it a bug or at least a side-effect of the migration.

agreed! I think Jody's proposal in order to make a utility method available
is the right way.

> Maybe I could change my code but also other developers in the project
> are working with the layers and the map object - I have to check what
> happens if the layer addition to the map is defered.

googd luck. please let me know about your results.

> cheers,
> Matthias


> Tony Roth schrieb:
> > hi matthias,
> >
> > okay, good news. anyway, I'm not sure anymore if this really is a bug.
> we
> > should consider a few things:
> > - your own RCP application is based on udig plug-ins, right?
> > - so, you create your project / map / layers programmatically?
> > - e.g. this is the way I do
> > - basically I'm making use of the MapEditor
> >
> > what I figured out:
> > - the order in which you open the MapEditor and adding layers to the map
> is
> > relevant for availability of the LabelPainter in the map blackboard
> >
> > what I mean:
> > 1) first open the MapEditor, second create your layers, third add these
> > layers to your map -> afterwards your map blackboard will contain a
> > LabelPainter and TextSymbolizers will render properly
> >
> > 2) first create your layers, second add these layers to your map, third
> open
> > the MapEditor -> afterwards your map blackboard won't contain a
> LabelPainter
> >
> > questions:
> > -does uDig as a stand-alone application act as 1)? if yes, this is the
> > general behaviour
> > - does your application act as 2)? if yes, this is a deviant behaviour.
> in
> > that case: can we still be sure that a deviant beviour results in a bug
> like
> > UDIG-1564?
> >
> > just a few thoughts. e.g. my app acts as 1) and I don't have to create a
> > LabelPainter manually.
> >
> > what do you think?
> > tony
> >
> >
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:udig-devel-
> >> bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Matthias Lendholt
> >> Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 2:23 PM
> >> To: User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS
> >> Subject: Re: [udig-devel] SLD Textsymbolizer not shown in 1.2M6 ?
> >>
> >> Hi tony,
> >> now it works. Thank you!
> >>
> >> I'll open a new jira issue for that bug.
> >>
> >> Matthias
> >>
> >> Tony Roth schrieb:
> >>> your code looks fine. please check if your map blackboard contains a
> >>> LabelPainter before you add any layers - in order to exclude it
> doesn't.
> >>> yes, I think it is a bug to add a LabelPainter by hand. especially
> >>> RenderContextImpl.getLabelPainter() should do this for you...
> >>>
> >>> tony
> >>>
> >>>> -----Original Message-----
> >>>> From: udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:udig-devel-
> >>>> bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Matthias Lendholt
> >>>> Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 10:45 AM
> >>>> To: User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS
> >>>> Subject: Re: [udig-devel] SLD Textsymbolizer not shown in 1.2M6 ?
> >>>>
> >>>> hi tony,
> >>>>
> >>>> thanks for your help. But in 1.1.1 I have never added a LabelPainter
> >>>> manually. My code for the layer creation:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder builder = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder();
> >>>> builder.setName(featureName);
> >>>> builder.setNamespaceURI("http://localhost/";);
> >>>> builder.setCRS(DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84);
> >>>> // add attributes in order
> >>>> // ...
> >>>> IGeoResource resource =
> >>>>
> >>
> CatalogPlugin.getDefault().getLocalCatalog().createTemporaryResource(featu
> >>>> reType);
> >>>> layer = getLayerFactory().createLayer(resource);
> >>>> layer.setName(myLayerName);
> >>>> layer.setVisible(true);
> >>>> // add the style to the layer
> >>>> layer.getStyleBlackboard().put(SLDContent.ID,myStyle);
> >>>> layer.getStyleBlackboard().setSelected(new String[] { SLDContent.ID
> });
> >>>>
> >>>> The last two rows I found somewhere in the tutorials - untouched
> since
> >>>> 1.1.RCX. My style is used only the TextSymbolizers fail.
> >>>>
> >>>> Is it a bug to add a LabelPainter manually?
> >>>>
> >>>> Thanks again,
> >>>>
> >>>> Matthias
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Tony Roth schrieb:
> >>>>> hi matthias,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> first time you create the layers of your map, be sure the map
> >> blackboard
> >>>>> contains a LabelPainter. Otherwise your TextSymbolizer won't show up
> >>>>> properly.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> try this before you create the layers:
> >>>>> ILabelPainter lp = (ILabelPainter)
> >>>> map.getBlackboard.get("LABEL_PAINTER")
> >>>>> if (lp == null)
> >>>>> 	// create a new one and put it on the blackboard
> >>>>>
> >>>>> tony
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> -----Original Message-----
> >>>>>> From: udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:udig-devel-
> >>>>>> bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Matthias Lendholt
> >>>>>> Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 8:56 AM
> >>>>>> To: User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS
> >>>>>> Subject: Re: [udig-devel] SLD Textsymbolizer not shown in 1.2M6 ?
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>  From 1.1.1 SDK. I know that the GeoTools library has changed: I
> have
> >>>>>> removed all references to @Deprecated methods/classes.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Matthias
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Jody Garnett schrieb:
> >>>>>>> Quick question - are up migrating from uDig 1.1.x or an earlier
> copy
> >>>> of
> >>>>>>> uDig 1.2.x?
> >>>>>>> Jody
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> On 29/08/2009, at 12:23 AM, Matthias Lendholt wrote:
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Dear all,
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> after migration to uDig 1.2M6 Textsymbolizers of my
> >> programmatically
> >>>>>>>> generated SLD Style are not shown anymore.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> The Rules are working, the PolygonSymbilizers are fine and
> external
> >>>>>>>> graphics out of the bundle are shown. But no text. I have checked
> >> the
> >>>>>>>> SLD code and my java code twice but I cannot find the solution.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Maybe anyone has a clue? The SLD XML is copied out of uDig's
> style
> >>>>>>>> editor. The referenced attribute "LABEL" exists and is not empty.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Thank you,
> >>>>>>>> Matthias
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> >>>>>>>> <sld:StyledLayerDescriptor xmlns="";
> >>>>>>>> xmlns:sld="";
> >>>>>>>> xmlns:ogc="";
> >>>>>>>> xmlns:gml=""; version="1.0.0">
> >>>>>>>>    <sld:UserLayer>
> >>>>>>>>        <sld:LayerFeatureConstraints>
> >>>>>>>>            <sld:FeatureTypeConstraint/>
> >>>>>>>>        </sld:LayerFeatureConstraints>
> >>>>>>>>        <sld:UserStyle>
> >>>>>>>>            <sld:Name>Default Styler</sld:Name>
> >>>>>>>>            <sld:Title/>
> >>>>>>>>            <sld:FeatureTypeStyle>
> >>>>>>>>                <sld:Name>name</sld:Name>
> >>>>>>>>                <sld:FeatureTypeName>Feature</sld:FeatureTypeName>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>
> <sld:SemanticTypeIdentifier>SemanticType[ANY]</sld:SemanticTypeIdentifier>
> >>>>>>>>                <sld:Rule>
> >>>>>>>>                    <ogc:Filter>
> >>>>>>>>                        <ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>> <ogc:PropertyName>STATUS</ogc:PropertyName>
> >>>>>>>>                            <ogc:Literal>0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                        </ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>
> >>>>>>>>                    </ogc:Filter>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>
> <sld:MaxScaleDenominator>1.7976931348623157E308</sld:MaxScaleDenominator>
> >>>>>>>>                    <sld:PolygonSymbolizer>
> >>>>>>>>                        <sld:Fill>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:GraphicFill>
> >>>>>>>>                                <sld:Graphic>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <sld:ExternalGraphic>
> >>>>>>>>                                        <sld:OnlineResource
> >>>>>>>> xmlns:xlink=""; xlink:type="simple"
> >>>>>>>> xlink:href="bundleentry://65.fwk31564808/icons/0.png"/>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>> <sld:Format>image/png</sld:Format>
> >>>>>>>>                                    </sld:ExternalGraphic>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <sld:Opacity>
> >>>>>>>>
> >> <ogc:Literal>1.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                    </sld:Opacity>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <sld:Size>
> >>>>>>>>
> >> <ogc:Literal>10</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                    </sld:Size>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <sld:Rotation>
> >>>>>>>>
> >> <ogc:Literal>0.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                    </sld:Rotation>
> >>>>>>>>                                </sld:Graphic>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:GraphicFill>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="fill">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>#808080</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="fill-opacity">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>1.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                        </sld:Fill>
> >>>>>>>>                        <sld:Stroke>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="stroke">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>#66CCFF</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="stroke-
> linecap">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>butt</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="stroke-
> >> linejoin">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>miter</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="stroke-
> opacity">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>1.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="stroke-width">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>2.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="stroke-
> >>>> dashoffset">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>0.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                        </sld:Stroke>
> >>>>>>>>                    </sld:PolygonSymbolizer>
> >>>>>>>>                    <sld:TextSymbolizer>
> >>>>>>>>                        <sld:Label>
> >>>>>>>>
> >> <ogc:PropertyName>LABEL</ogc:PropertyName>
> >>>>>>>>                        </sld:Label>
> >>>>>>>>                        <sld:Font>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="font-family">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>Arial</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="font-size">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>14.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="font-style">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>normal</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="font-weight">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>bold</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                        </sld:Font>
> >>>>>>>>                        <sld:LabelPlacement>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:PointPlacement>
> >>>>>>>>                                <sld:AnchorPoint>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <sld:AnchorPointX>
> >>>>>>>>
> >> <ogc:Literal>0.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                    </sld:AnchorPointX>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <sld:AnchorPointY>
> >>>>>>>>
> >> <ogc:Literal>0.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                    </sld:AnchorPointY>
> >>>>>>>>                                </sld:AnchorPoint>
> >>>>>>>>                                <sld:Displacement>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <sld:DisplacementX>
> >>>>>>>>                                        <ogc:Literal>-
> >>>> 15.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                    </sld:DisplacementX>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <sld:DisplacementY>
> >>>>>>>>
> >> <ogc:Literal>0.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                    </sld:DisplacementY>
> >>>>>>>>                                </sld:Displacement>
> >>>>>>>>                                <sld:Rotation>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <ogc:Literal>0.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                </sld:Rotation>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:PointPlacement>
> >>>>>>>>                        </sld:LabelPlacement>
> >>>>>>>>                        <sld:Halo>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:Radius>
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>5.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:Radius>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:Fill>
> >>>>>>>>                                <sld:CssParameter name="fill">
> >>>>>>>>
> >> <ogc:Literal>#FFFFFF</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                                <sld:CssParameter name="fill-
> >> opacity">
> >>>>>>>>                                    <ogc:Literal>0.7</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:Fill>
> >>>>>>>>                        </sld:Halo>
> >>>>>>>>                        <sld:Fill>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="fill">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>#000000</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="fill-opacity">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>0.5</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                        </sld:Fill>
> >>>>>>>>                    </sld:TextSymbolizer>
> >>>>>>>>                </sld:Rule>
> >>>>>>>>                <sld:Rule>
> >>>>>>>>                    <ogc:Filter>
> >>>>>>>>                        <ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>> <ogc:PropertyName>STATUS</ogc:PropertyName>
> >>>>>>>>                            <ogc:Literal>1</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                        </ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>
> >>>>>>>>                    </ogc:Filter>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>
> <sld:MaxScaleDenominator>1.7976931348623157E308</sld:MaxScaleDenominator>
> >>>>>>>>                    <sld:PolygonSymbolizer>
> >>>>>>>>                        <sld:Fill>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:GraphicFill>
> >>>>>>>>                                <sld:Graphic>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <sld:ExternalGraphic>
> >>>>>>>>                                        <sld:OnlineResource
> >>>>>>>> xmlns:xlink=""; xlink:type="simple"
> >>>>>>>> xlink:href="bundleentry://65.fwk31564808/icons/1.png"/>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>> <sld:Format>image/png</sld:Format>
> >>>>>>>>                                    </sld:ExternalGraphic>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <sld:Opacity>
> >>>>>>>>
> >> <ogc:Literal>1.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                    </sld:Opacity>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <sld:Size>
> >>>>>>>>
> <ogc:Literal>8</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                    </sld:Size>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <sld:Rotation>
> >>>>>>>>
> >> <ogc:Literal>0.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                    </sld:Rotation>
> >>>>>>>>                                </sld:Graphic>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:GraphicFill>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="fill">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>#808080</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="fill-opacity">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>1.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                        </sld:Fill>
> >>>>>>>>                        <sld:Stroke>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="stroke">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>#FFFF00</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="stroke-
> linecap">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>butt</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="stroke-
> >> linejoin">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>miter</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="stroke-
> opacity">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>1.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="stroke-width">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>2.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="stroke-
> >>>> dashoffset">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>0.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                        </sld:Stroke>
> >>>>>>>>                    </sld:PolygonSymbolizer>
> >>>>>>>>                    <sld:TextSymbolizer>
> >>>>>>>>                        <sld:Label>
> >>>>>>>>
> >> <ogc:PropertyName>LABEL</ogc:PropertyName>
> >>>>>>>>                        </sld:Label>
> >>>>>>>>                        <sld:Font>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="font-family">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>Arial</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="font-size">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>14.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="font-style">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>normal</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="font-weight">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>bold</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                        </sld:Font>
> >>>>>>>>                        <sld:LabelPlacement>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:PointPlacement>
> >>>>>>>>                                <sld:AnchorPoint>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <sld:AnchorPointX>
> >>>>>>>>
> >> <ogc:Literal>0.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                    </sld:AnchorPointX>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <sld:AnchorPointY>
> >>>>>>>>
> >> <ogc:Literal>0.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                    </sld:AnchorPointY>
> >>>>>>>>                                </sld:AnchorPoint>
> >>>>>>>>                                <sld:Displacement>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <sld:DisplacementX>
> >>>>>>>>                                        <ogc:Literal>-
> >>>> 15.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                    </sld:DisplacementX>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <sld:DisplacementY>
> >>>>>>>>
> >> <ogc:Literal>0.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                    </sld:DisplacementY>
> >>>>>>>>                                </sld:Displacement>
> >>>>>>>>                                <sld:Rotation>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <ogc:Literal>0.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                </sld:Rotation>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:PointPlacement>
> >>>>>>>>                        </sld:LabelPlacement>
> >>>>>>>>                        <sld:Halo>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:Radius>
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>5.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:Radius>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:Fill>
> >>>>>>>>                                <sld:CssParameter name="fill">
> >>>>>>>>
> >> <ogc:Literal>#FFFFFF</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                                <sld:CssParameter name="fill-
> >> opacity">
> >>>>>>>>                                    <ogc:Literal>0.7</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:Fill>
> >>>>>>>>                        </sld:Halo>
> >>>>>>>>                        <sld:Fill>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="fill">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>#000000</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="fill-opacity">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>0.5</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                        </sld:Fill>
> >>>>>>>>                    </sld:TextSymbolizer>
> >>>>>>>>                </sld:Rule>
> >>>>>>>>                <sld:Rule>
> >>>>>>>>                    <ogc:Filter>
> >>>>>>>>                        <ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>> <ogc:PropertyName>STATUS</ogc:PropertyName>
> >>>>>>>>                            <ogc:Literal>2</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                        </ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>
> >>>>>>>>                    </ogc:Filter>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>
> <sld:MaxScaleDenominator>1.7976931348623157E308</sld:MaxScaleDenominator>
> >>>>>>>>                    <sld:PolygonSymbolizer>
> >>>>>>>>                        <sld:Fill>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:GraphicFill>
> >>>>>>>>                                <sld:Graphic>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <sld:ExternalGraphic>
> >>>>>>>>                                        <sld:OnlineResource
> >>>>>>>> xmlns:xlink=""; xlink:type="simple"
> >>>>>>>> xlink:href="bundleentry://65.fwk31564808/icons/2.png"/>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>> <sld:Format>image/png</sld:Format>
> >>>>>>>>                                    </sld:ExternalGraphic>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <sld:Opacity>
> >>>>>>>>
> >> <ogc:Literal>1.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                    </sld:Opacity>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <sld:Size>
> >>>>>>>>
> <ogc:Literal>6</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                    </sld:Size>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <sld:Rotation>
> >>>>>>>>
> >> <ogc:Literal>0.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                    </sld:Rotation>
> >>>>>>>>                                </sld:Graphic>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:GraphicFill>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="fill">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>#808080</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="fill-opacity">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>1.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                        </sld:Fill>
> >>>>>>>>                        <sld:Stroke>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="stroke">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>#FFBB00</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="stroke-
> linecap">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>butt</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="stroke-
> >> linejoin">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>miter</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="stroke-
> opacity">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>1.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="stroke-width">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>2.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="stroke-
> >>>> dashoffset">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>0.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                        </sld:Stroke>
> >>>>>>>>                    </sld:PolygonSymbolizer>
> >>>>>>>>                    <sld:TextSymbolizer>
> >>>>>>>>                        <sld:Label>
> >>>>>>>>
> >> <ogc:PropertyName>LABEL</ogc:PropertyName>
> >>>>>>>>                        </sld:Label>
> >>>>>>>>                        <sld:Font>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="font-family">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>Arial</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="font-size">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>14.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="font-style">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>normal</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="font-weight">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>bold</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                        </sld:Font>
> >>>>>>>>                        <sld:LabelPlacement>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:PointPlacement>
> >>>>>>>>                                <sld:AnchorPoint>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <sld:AnchorPointX>
> >>>>>>>>
> >> <ogc:Literal>0.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                    </sld:AnchorPointX>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <sld:AnchorPointY>
> >>>>>>>>
> >> <ogc:Literal>0.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                    </sld:AnchorPointY>
> >>>>>>>>                                </sld:AnchorPoint>
> >>>>>>>>                                <sld:Displacement>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <sld:DisplacementX>
> >>>>>>>>                                        <ogc:Literal>-
> >>>> 15.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                    </sld:DisplacementX>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <sld:DisplacementY>
> >>>>>>>>
> >> <ogc:Literal>0.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                    </sld:DisplacementY>
> >>>>>>>>                                </sld:Displacement>
> >>>>>>>>                                <sld:Rotation>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <ogc:Literal>0.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                </sld:Rotation>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:PointPlacement>
> >>>>>>>>                        </sld:LabelPlacement>
> >>>>>>>>                        <sld:Halo>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:Radius>
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>5.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:Radius>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:Fill>
> >>>>>>>>                                <sld:CssParameter name="fill">
> >>>>>>>>
> >> <ogc:Literal>#FFFFFF</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                                <sld:CssParameter name="fill-
> >> opacity">
> >>>>>>>>                                    <ogc:Literal>0.7</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:Fill>
> >>>>>>>>                        </sld:Halo>
> >>>>>>>>                        <sld:Fill>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="fill">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>#000000</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="fill-opacity">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>0.5</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                        </sld:Fill>
> >>>>>>>>                    </sld:TextSymbolizer>
> >>>>>>>>                </sld:Rule>
> >>>>>>>>                <sld:Rule>
> >>>>>>>>                    <ogc:Filter>
> >>>>>>>>                        <ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>> <ogc:PropertyName>STATUS</ogc:PropertyName>
> >>>>>>>>                            <ogc:Literal>3</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                        </ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>
> >>>>>>>>                    </ogc:Filter>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>
> <sld:MaxScaleDenominator>1.7976931348623157E308</sld:MaxScaleDenominator>
> >>>>>>>>                    <sld:PolygonSymbolizer>
> >>>>>>>>                        <sld:Fill>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:GraphicFill>
> >>>>>>>>                                <sld:Graphic>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <sld:ExternalGraphic>
> >>>>>>>>                                        <sld:OnlineResource
> >>>>>>>> xmlns:xlink=""; xlink:type="simple"
> >>>>>>>> xlink:href="bundleentry://65.fwk31564808/icons/3.png"/>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>> <sld:Format>image/png</sld:Format>
> >>>>>>>>                                    </sld:ExternalGraphic>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <sld:Opacity>
> >>>>>>>>
> >> <ogc:Literal>1.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                    </sld:Opacity>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <sld:Size>
> >>>>>>>>
> <ogc:Literal>4</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                    </sld:Size>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <sld:Rotation>
> >>>>>>>>
> >> <ogc:Literal>0.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                    </sld:Rotation>
> >>>>>>>>                                </sld:Graphic>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:GraphicFill>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="fill">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>#808080</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="fill-opacity">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>1.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                        </sld:Fill>
> >>>>>>>>                        <sld:Stroke>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="stroke">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>#FF0000</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="stroke-
> linecap">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>butt</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="stroke-
> >> linejoin">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>miter</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="stroke-
> opacity">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>1.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="stroke-width">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>2.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="stroke-
> >>>> dashoffset">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>0.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                        </sld:Stroke>
> >>>>>>>>                    </sld:PolygonSymbolizer>
> >>>>>>>>                    <sld:TextSymbolizer>
> >>>>>>>>                        <sld:Label>
> >>>>>>>>
> >> <ogc:PropertyName>LABEL</ogc:PropertyName>
> >>>>>>>>                        </sld:Label>
> >>>>>>>>                        <sld:Font>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="font-family">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>Arial</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="font-size">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>14.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="font-style">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>normal</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="font-weight">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>bold</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                        </sld:Font>
> >>>>>>>>                        <sld:LabelPlacement>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:PointPlacement>
> >>>>>>>>                                <sld:AnchorPoint>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <sld:AnchorPointX>
> >>>>>>>>
> >> <ogc:Literal>0.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                    </sld:AnchorPointX>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <sld:AnchorPointY>
> >>>>>>>>
> >> <ogc:Literal>0.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                    </sld:AnchorPointY>
> >>>>>>>>                                </sld:AnchorPoint>
> >>>>>>>>                                <sld:Displacement>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <sld:DisplacementX>
> >>>>>>>>                                        <ogc:Literal>-
> >>>> 15.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                    </sld:DisplacementX>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <sld:DisplacementY>
> >>>>>>>>
> >> <ogc:Literal>0.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                    </sld:DisplacementY>
> >>>>>>>>                                </sld:Displacement>
> >>>>>>>>                                <sld:Rotation>
> >>>>>>>>                                    <ogc:Literal>0.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                </sld:Rotation>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:PointPlacement>
> >>>>>>>>                        </sld:LabelPlacement>
> >>>>>>>>                        <sld:Halo>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:Radius>
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>5.0</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:Radius>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:Fill>
> >>>>>>>>                                <sld:CssParameter name="fill">
> >>>>>>>>
> >> <ogc:Literal>#FFFFFF</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                                <sld:CssParameter name="fill-
> >> opacity">
> >>>>>>>>                                    <ogc:Literal>0.7</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                                </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:Fill>
> >>>>>>>>                        </sld:Halo>
> >>>>>>>>                        <sld:Fill>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="fill">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>#000000</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                            <sld:CssParameter name="fill-opacity">
> >>>>>>>>                                <ogc:Literal>0.5</ogc:Literal>
> >>>>>>>>                            </sld:CssParameter>
> >>>>>>>>                        </sld:Fill>
> >>>>>>>>                    </sld:TextSymbolizer>
> >>>>>>>>                </sld:Rule>
> >>>>>>>>            </sld:FeatureTypeStyle>
> >>>>>>>>        </sld:UserStyle>
> >>>>>>>>    </sld:UserLayer>
> >>>>>>>> </sld:StyledLayerDescriptor>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
> >>>>>>>> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> _______________________________________________
> >>>>>>> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>> --
> >>>>>> Matthias Lendholt [matthias.lendholt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> >>>>>> tel: +49 331 288 1687; fax: +49 331 288 1703
> >>>>>> Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ)
> >>>>>> Telegrafenberg A20; D14473 Potsdam; Germany
> >>>>>> _______________________________________________
> >>>>>> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>> _______________________________________________
> >>>>> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>> --
> >>>> Matthias Lendholt [matthias.lendholt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> >>>> tel: +49 331 288 1687; fax: +49 331 288 1703
> >>>> Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ)
> >>>> Telegrafenberg A20; D14473 Potsdam; Germany
> >>>> _______________________________________________
> >>>> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>> _______________________________________________
> >>> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Matthias Lendholt [matthias.lendholt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> >> tel: +49 331 288 1687; fax: +49 331 288 1703
> >> Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ)
> >> Telegrafenberg A20; D14473 Potsdam; Germany
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)
> >>
> >>
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Matthias Lendholt [matthias.lendholt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> tel: +49 331 288 1687; fax: +49 331 288 1703
> Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ)
> Telegrafenberg A20; D14473 Potsdam; Germany
> _______________________________________________
> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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