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[udig-devel] jdbc-ng all hands on test :-D

Okay - I just committed the change to jdbc-ng - and have everything compiling. 

There is a jira issue to jot notes down on here:

You can use this to "link" to any related issues that are already in the system that jdbc-ng may fix (or help fix?).

The change I made was to keep a datasource in the DataBaseRegistryWizardPage along with a getDataSource() method. Where possible I made use of a single factory instance stored at the ServiceExtension; and made use of a createDataSource() method that was added to JDBCNGDataSourceFactory for us to use.

I noticed that MySQL and PostGIS were already using a DataSource; but I did not find much evidence of them cleaning up after themselves (this may be the cause of

In anycase please test; and keep your debugger open.


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