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Re: [udig-devel] dependency audit day 1


Most of the connection stuff, at least in Postgis is just to provide a nice user experience and I don't think the connection needs to be obtained from the datastore at all.  Where else is the connection used? 

IMO removing that connection usage will make the wizard much less pleasant to use.


On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 8:42 AM, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Got a bit bogged down trying to transition to jdbc-ng - a lot of the
code that wants to handle a Connection as apart of the wizard dialog
needs to be rewritten. And jdbc-ng does not provide any facilities to
get at a connection.

Two ways forward:
- take over the connection handling code and suff the resulting
DataSource into the connection parameters
- try and open up the jdbc-ng code a bit

I have removed the use of PicoContainer from the CatalogPlugin - it
had been used in an early cut of IResolve; and then factored out into
a "decoration" and then promptly ignore since that was so confusing
normal people never found the functionality. Now that IService offers
some persisted parameters we are finally seeing the benefit of the
idea... picocontainer is still in the mix however since geotools uses

I was unable to remove xmlrpc (it is used by an example US geocoder).

Indeed the only things I was able to clean up were a few more xerces
dependencies that are available as part of the base Eclipse RCP

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