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Re: [udig-devel] IGeoResourceInfo.getShortTitle()

Hi Jesse:

-  Thanks for the discussion; I arrived at a similar place after reviewing the code changes.
- I agree with your breakdown
- I have been able to provide lots of information in the catalog using a decorator (and we can add more if you think it would be good). 
- I would like title to remain human readable (this may or not be one or two words it depends on the data provider) And we can supplement what is displayed with additional details (qualifier; name; first sentence of the abstract etc...)
- Adding detail to the title messes me up (since the title is cached) this is why I added detail to the decorator

This really motivates me to get the Service / GeoResource property pages going.

One thing I found again and again was a cascade of attempts to try something:

For a "title" ...
1. IGeoResource.getTitle()
2. IGeoResource.getInfo( null ).getTitle();
3. IGeoResource.getInfo( null ).getName();
4. IGeoResource.getID().getBaseName();
5. IGeoResource.getID().toString();

For a "name" ... suitable for use for a new map or new layer
1. IGeoResource.getTitle()
2. IGeoResource.getInfo( null ).getTitle();
3. IGeoResource.getInfo( null ).getName();
4. IGeoResource.getID().getBaseName();

Note getName() is not always human readable.


On 05/08/2009, at 4:44 PM, Jesse Eichar wrote:

So I have many mixed feeling about these issues.

  • Catalog we want a long title with lots of context.  In the catalog for example we want full conext but in the layers view we want 1-2 words only
  • However in the catalog the service provides context so we can make a rule that the service must provide lots of context and the IGeoresource title must be limited to 1-2 words
  • But how do you know what is enough context for IGeoresource.  For example in layers view you need to know if it is a Geotiff/world+image but in catalog you don't

  • On the side of short title it can be nice to have both for example.  Layers view gets short title.  Error message gets full title.  Counter argument to that is in error message you should addservice title

Ok I have argued myself to:

Service title must contain lots of context.  and IGeoResource must be limited to a word or two.

And if you need long title for GeoResource then use service and resource titles. 

Only remaining problem is if we need a short title for Service...  But lets leave that for a time when we find we actually need it.



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