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[udig-devel] Best way to Web Start uDig App?



We have recently started a project based on uDig. Our customers wanted web start and so we found ways to run a uDig app with web start. The main problem we faced was getting JAI into the application if the user does not have it installed in his JRE. We found two ways to do this:

-          Creating a fragment that contains the JAI JARs and adding that to the application with net.refractions.udig.libs as the host plugin. This means that we needed to extract the JARs from the JAI packages.


-          Configuring Equinox (OSGi inside Eclipse) to treat JAI packages as “system packages” which means that they are in classpath for all plugins. This allows us to use the prebuilt Sun JAI web start packages. The configuration is in the main .jnlp file.


Both ways seem to be working. I think they both allow hardware acceleration when done right. Now we are wondering if you guys would know some reason for choosing one of the options for the implementation?


Also: would it be valuable if I wrote about Web Starting uDig apps in the wiki?





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