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Re: [udig-devel] Remark about refresh.xml in the libs plugin

Oh I've just noticed two more thing.
1- I ran refresh.xml script with build(default) and I got a huge list of "unable to load resource blabla.jar" error for ALL jars while trying to download them. After that he copied the needed jars from ${user.home}.m2/repository. I deleted that directory and ran again build(default) and this time it worked like sharm and all jars were downloaded correctly. My question now is, is that the expected behaviour? or would it make sense in the target "clean" to delete ${user.home}.m2/repository? 2- Secondly I noticed that the script is also trying to download the -source.jar for all jars, which I guess shouldn't happen, unless the refresh.xml of libs.source project has been called, right?

Moataz Elmasry wrote:
Hello Everyone

in refresh.xml of net.refractions.udig.lib, line 13:
<artifact:remoteRepository id="remote.repository" url="${mirror1}" />
${mirror1} should be ${mirror} to match the mirror key defined in

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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