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Re: [udig-devel] uDig Repo Migration IRC Log

Jesse, this one is from the last code spring I guess :)

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 12:37 PM, Jesse
Eichar<jesse.eichar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>  [2009-01-13 15::12:13] » acuster joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-13 16::01:36] » kartben left the chat room.
>  [2009-01-13 16::56:37] » pramsey joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-13 17::02:47] » mauricio left the chat room.
>  [2009-01-13 17::07:23] » You left the chat by being disconnected
> from the server.
>  [2009-01-14 09::22:21] » You rejoined the room.
>  [2009-01-14 09::36:59] » kartben joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-14 09::42:02] » simboss joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-14 10::35:32] » mauricio joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-14 11::31:03] » CIA-16 joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-14 13::13:18] » simboss left the chat room.
>  [2009-01-14 13::42:37] » CIA-16 left the chat room.
>  [2009-01-14 13::45:04] » CIA-16 joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-14 14::08:44] » mauricio left the chat room.
>  [2009-01-14 14::08:57] » simboss joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-14 14::31:54] » mauricio joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-14 15::37:47] » simboss left the chat room.
>  [2009-01-14 15::45:56] » simboss joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-14 16::08:05] » aritz left the chat room.
>  [2009-01-14 16::29:26] » mauricio left the chat room.
>  [2009-01-14 16::52:23] » You left the chat by being disconnected
> from the server.
>  [2009-01-15 08::27:49] » You rejoined the room.
>  [2009-01-15 08::54:50] » simboss left the chat room.
>  [2009-01-15 09::00:04] » simboss joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-15 09::29:44] » aritz joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-15 10::18:15] » tupi joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-15 10::35:52] » tupi_ joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-15 10::37:18] » tupi_ left the chat room.
>  [2009-01-15 10::41:21] » tupi left the chat room.
>  [2009-01-15 10::42:08] » tupi joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-15 10::44:54] » tupi left the chat room.
>  [2009-01-15 10::46:14] » tupi joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-15 14::28:15] » mauricio joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-15 16::03:26] » aritz left the chat room.
>  [2009-01-15 16::31:31] » mauricio left the chat room.
>  [2009-01-15 16::53:48] » Fxprunayre left the chat room.
>  [2009-01-15 17::02:19] » You left the chat by being disconnected
> from the server.
>  [2009-01-16 08::24:06] » You rejoined the room.
>  [2009-01-16 08::30:31] » mauricio joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 08::44:14] » moovida joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 08::45:20] moovida: morning folks
>  [2009-01-16 08::46:28] Jesse_Eichar: helloooo
>  [2009-01-16 08::46:31] moovida: :D
>  [2009-01-16 08::46:35] Jesse_Eichar: no word from Sydney
>  [2009-01-16 08::46:43] moovida: really???
>  [2009-01-16 08::46:50] Jesse_Eichar: I expected to hear something.
> perhaps jody's flu is causing problems
>  [2009-01-16 08::46:54] moovida: where is Jody?
>  [2009-01-16 08::47:22] Jesse_Eichar: yep got a short message cause I
> broke geotools yesterday
>  [2009-01-16 08::47:56] moovida: I'll try to spend some time to
> create a table in the spreadsheet
>  [2009-01-16 08::48:52] Jesse_Eichar: sounds good.
>  [2009-01-16 08::48:56] mauricio: hi
>  [2009-01-16 08::49:18] Jesse_Eichar: I have access to a private
> postgis that uDig is having problems connecting to so I may start
> working there if that is acceptable.
>  [2009-01-16 08::49:32] moovida: absolutely yes!
>  [2009-01-16 08::50:20] Jesse_Eichar: hopefully it will not take long
> and I can get on the spreadsheet
>  [2009-01-16 08::53:43] » tupi joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 08::57:41] moovida:
>  [2009-01-16 09::00:31] Jesse_Eichar: cool
>  [2009-01-16 09::02:31] tupi: bon giorno!
>  [2009-01-16 09::02:36] mauricio: hi
>  [2009-01-16 09::04:24] moovida: Jesse_Eichar: thanks for being here
> to give us support :)
>  [2009-01-16 09::04:52] Jesse_Eichar: cool
>  [2009-01-16 09::05:03] moovida: pick your issue mark is as yours :)
>  [2009-01-16 09::06:24] tupi: hi!
>  [2009-01-16 09::21:15] » silli joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 09::23:38] » Andrea joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 09::23:58] » Andrea is now known as Guest43353.
>  [2009-01-16 09::24:15] » Guest43353 is now known as aborruso.
>  [2009-01-16 09::25:15] moovida: ciao Andrea
>  [2009-01-16 09::25:35] silli: ciao guys!
>  [2009-01-16 09::26:08] aborruso: ciao moovida, silvia and all
>  [2009-01-16 09::27:00] » kartben joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 09::30:43] » aborruso left the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 09::31:18] mauricio: Who is working with "Editing"?
>  [2009-01-16 09::33:14] Jesse_Eichar: hmmm
>  [2009-01-16 09::34:38] mauricio: ok I see you in this issue
>  [2009-01-16 09::36:09] moovida: mauricio: I was hoping to see you
> active in the editing part
>  [2009-01-16 09::36:45] mauricio: good
>  [2009-01-16 09::36:55] moovida: great!
>  [2009-01-16 09::39:44] tupi: I've got a postgis, but cannot load
> with trunk. I'm trying with the M1.
>  [2009-01-16 09::40:05] moovida: when a bug get fixed, please select
> it green, so everyone will notice and testers will test and all will
> be happy
>  [2009-01-16 09::40:12] tupi: Also, WMS is also something I can look into
>  [2009-01-16 09::40:18] moovida: exactly
>  [2009-01-16 09::43:17] tupi: it's ok, but I need to know what ot fix.
>  [2009-01-16 09::43:20] mauricio: ok, aritz and I are working with
> the first "editing problems"
>  [2009-01-16 09::43:51] moovida: tupi: what do you mean?
>  [2009-01-16 09::44:08] » kartben left the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 09::44:15] » mauricio left the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 09::44:16] moovida: there is a new tab: bugstable
>  [2009-01-16 09::46:16] Jesse_Eichar: what are you guys developing
> against the SDK or trunk?
>  [2009-01-16 09::46:30] moovida: I am against trunk
>  [2009-01-16 09::46:53] tupi: trunk
>  [2009-01-16 09::46:54] Jesse_Eichar: I am doing trunk too
>  [2009-01-16 09::47:02] » mauricio joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 09::47:03] Jesse_Eichar: but I found that the Manifest
> on libs is wrong for me again.
>  [2009-01-16 09::47:18] moovida: same for me
>  [2009-01-16 09::47:20] tupi: exactly what?
>  [2009-01-16 09::47:21] Jesse_Eichar: ok
>  [2009-01-16 09::47:23] moovida: I was wondering
>  [2009-01-16 09::47:31] tupi: the net.refractions package?
>  [2009-01-16 09::47:33] Jesse_Eichar: net
>  [2009-01-16 09::48:07] tupi: yep, but I've said this before on the
> list. never know if this was a problem or it was only me.
>  [2009-01-16 09::48:23] moovida: I was wondering if this is always generated?
>  [2009-01-16 09::48:25] Jesse_Eichar: I use 2.4.1
>  [2009-01-16 09::48:34] moovida: or is it just that noone removes and commits?
>  [2009-01-16 09::48:40] Jesse_Eichar: I wonder if 3.4.0 adds them
>  [2009-01-16 09::48:56] » aborruso joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 09::48:56] moovida: no idea
>  [2009-01-16 09::48:59] Jesse_Eichar: well ok
>  [2009-01-16 09::49:31] moovida: ok, good
>  [2009-01-16 09::49:55] Jesse_Eichar: super
>  [2009-01-16 09::50:39] moovida: Jesse_Eichar and all: what do we do
> with testers?
>  [2009-01-16 09::50:44] Jesse_Eichar: gulp...
>  [2009-01-16 09::50:47] CIA-16: UDig: jeichar * r31049
> udig/plugins/net.refractions.udig.libs/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF: fixing
> manifest for me and others
>  [2009-01-16 09::50:50] moovida: how do we behave?
>  [2009-01-16 09::50:57] Jesse_Eichar: I guess punch out a plugin
>  [2009-01-16 09::50:57] » mib_ey4skmeg joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 09::51:03] moovida: do we make a build? do we export packages?
>  [2009-01-16 09::51:19] Jesse_Eichar: put the plugin online and they
> can install it into their downloaded udig from before
>  [2009-01-16 09::51:22] moovida: and they just copy that plugin in
> their working udig
>  [2009-01-16 09::51:23] Jesse_Eichar: I think that is the quickest
>  [2009-01-16 09::51:30] moovida: yes, agreed
>  [2009-01-16 09::51:30] Jesse_Eichar: they don't need the full app
>  [2009-01-16 09::51:38] moovida: exactly
>  [2009-01-16 09::51:39] » mib_ey4skmeg left the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 09::51:48] moovida: good
>  [2009-01-16 09::52:24] Jesse_Eichar: anyone have a public postgis I
> can test against?
>  [2009-01-16 09::53:27] moovida: I see
>  [2009-01-16 09::53:34] Jesse_Eichar: if not I should be ready in a
> few minutes...
>  [2009-01-16 09::53:56] moovida: okky
>  [2009-01-16 09::53:57] » mib_ttwvlg joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 09::54:02] Jesse_Eichar: looks like the 'puter is almost
> ready to go
>  [2009-01-16 09::54:52] » mib_ttwvlg left the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 09::55:36] tupi: have seen the bugstable. should I
> tackle the WMS category?
>  [2009-01-16 09::57:16] moovida: that would be great tupi
>  [2009-01-16 09::57:47] tupi: ok, but I can't promise i'll fix anything :-)
>  [2009-01-16 09::58:07] » andye joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 09::58:37] » andye left the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 09::58:50] » aborruso left the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 09::58:51] CIA-16: UDig: jeichar * r31050
> udig/.gitignore: git ignores
>  [2009-01-16 10::01:16] Jesse_Eichar: tupi
>  [2009-01-16 10::02:30] tupi: thanks, I'll ask.
>  [2009-01-16 10::02:39] Jesse_Eichar: silli
>  [2009-01-16 10::03:13] silli: good question
>  [2009-01-16 10::03:45] Jesse_Eichar: looks like the non-experimental
> from report
>  [2009-01-16 10::03:56] silli: yes
>  [2009-01-16 10::04:28] Jesse_Eichar: I am going to work on
> experimental is that ok if I just try to beat that up?
>  [2009-01-16 10::04:33] tupi: on win xp I cannot reproduce the legend
> problem. (I'm getting the caps and having a look.) Silli, have you
> tried on linux?
>  [2009-01-16 10::04:36] Jesse_Eichar: I want to kill the ld one
>  [2009-01-16 10::05:11] silli: no, I just tried on mac, I will do
> some testing also this morning on linux
>  [2009-01-16 10::07:08] Jesse_Eichar: id = old :P
>  [2009-01-16 10::08:08] silli: :) I think the experimental wizard is
> better than the old so... just fix it is the best compromise
>  [2009-01-16 10::15:52] » mib_yv50ra joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 10::16:18] » mib_yv50ra left the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 10::19:19] » test joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 10::19:35] » test left the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 10::25:32] tupi: Layer icon problem has 2 issues: dm
> solutions caps delivers for example &amp;request=GetLegendGraphic, but
> it only works with &REQUEST=GetlegendGraphic (not a prob for udig,
> however)
>  [2009-01-16 10::27:10] Jesse_Eichar: hmm
>  [2009-01-16 10::27:37] tupi: any hints?
>  [2009-01-16 10::27:38] Jesse_Eichar: Layers view is data agnostic
> (it doesn't know anything about data)
>  [2009-01-16 10::28:53] tupi: ok, will have a look. it might be a
> problem with the label renderer
>  [2009-01-16 10::38:49] » acuster joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 10::39:18] » acuster is now known as avc_afk.
>  [2009-01-16 10::40:07] moovida: morning Adrian
>  [2009-01-16 11::04:08] Jesse_Eichar: sorry
>  [2009-01-16 11::04:14] moovida: np
>  [2009-01-16 11::04:52] Jesse_Eichar: Bummer the behavior of the
> builder was changed...
>  [2009-01-16 11::05:10] moovida: ok, think also
>  [2009-01-16 11::05:13] Jesse_Eichar: and I think you can populate a
> Builder with a featuretyep
>  [2009-01-16 11::05:17] moovida: then I go for that
>  [2009-01-16 11::05:18] Jesse_Eichar: so you can modify the featuretype
>  [2009-01-16 11::05:26] moovida: yes, with the descriptors, should be fine
>  [2009-01-16 11::07:45] tupi: sorry the delay... WMSGeoResourceImpl
> has lots of hardcoded widht and heights (16x16).
>  [2009-01-16 11::11:47] Jesse_Eichar: hi
>  [2009-01-16 11::12:49] tupi: yeah
>  [2009-01-16 11::13:30] Jesse_Eichar: good question that...
>  [2009-01-16 11::15:31] tupi: yes, I get a cropped (to 16) image. on
> mac the rendering is wrong.
>  [2009-01-16 11::16:04] Jesse_Eichar: yeah that is right. I can't
> remember why. Is the image that is being obtained a good image or is
> it invalid
>  [2009-01-16 11::16:05] tupi: should this icon be shown full size?
>  [2009-01-16 11::16:16] Jesse_Eichar: on mac certain image formats
> don't work as well as on other platforms
>  [2009-01-16 11::17:19] tupi: it'sa good image. on mac i suppose it's
> ok, but somehow differently rendered (somewhat offset)
>  [2009-01-16 11::19:09] Jesse_Eichar: hmmm
>  [2009-01-16 11::19:45] tupi: this is how the legend is supposed to look like
>  [2009-01-16 11::20:17] Jesse_Eichar: I remember looking at this.
>  [2009-01-16 11::20:41] tupi: on mac it's like
>  [2009-01-16 11::21:26] Jesse_Eichar: what is the difference?
>  [2009-01-16 11::22:21] tupi: sorry, pasted the wrong url
>  [2009-01-16 11::22:24] Jesse_Eichar: if you look at line 268
>  [2009-01-16 11::25:04] CIA-16: UDig: jeichar * r31052
> udig/plugins/net.refractions.udig.catalog.postgis/ (5 files in 3
> dirs): fixed bug validating and added option to remove a configuration
>  [2009-01-16 11::25:44] tupi: no.
>  [2009-01-16 11::26:05] Jesse_Eichar: silli you have time to try to
> test the postgis plugin with the fixes Ive made
>  [2009-01-16 11::26:50] tupi: anyway, I've hardcoded a diff value.
> the rendered now squeezes the icon into the same small space on the
> layerslist
>  [2009-01-16 11::27:03] Jesse_Eichar: ImageData contents =
> image.getImageData();
>  [2009-01-16 11::27:05] tupi: no problem. yep, I'm looking at the code
>  [2009-01-16 11::27:32] Jesse_Eichar: if contents.maskData != null
> then it tries to search for non-transparent section
>  [2009-01-16 11::28:33] moovida: Jesse_Eichar: Silli had to leave for
> 20 minutes, she will test as soon as she is back
>  [2009-01-16 11::28:42] Jesse_Eichar: ok
>  [2009-01-16 11::28:59] moovida: ok, how do you do that?
>  [2009-01-16 11::29:16] Jesse_Eichar: tupi that section is what makes
> mapserver icons look good on windows and linux
>  [2009-01-16 11::29:44] moovida: ok
>  [2009-01-16 11::30:30] tupi: ok, I'll dig through, but I believe the
> layerslist always shows a small icon.
>  [2009-01-16 11::30:50] Jesse_Eichar: it does. I agree with that
>  [2009-01-16 11::38:16] tupi: more facts: it's never
> contents.maskData != null , and the image is png.
>  [2009-01-16 11::40:57] Jesse_Eichar: ok so that explains the problem
> on windows and linux maskData != null on that server
>  [2009-01-16 11::41:32] tupi: ask Silli what she thinks.
>  [2009-01-16 11::41:35] Jesse_Eichar: on windows it finds the edge of the start
>  [2009-01-16 11::42:28] tupi: yeah, on windows it looks as if it's
> all right, but t's not even showing the labels
>  [2009-01-16 11::42:42] Jesse_Eichar: perhaps you can do something
> similar but instead of using mask data take the 0,0 pixel and look for
> a pixel that is a different color
>  [2009-01-16 11::46:02] tupi: ok. sounds like a plan. I'll try something out.
>  [2009-01-16 11::53:23] » avc_afk left the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 11::53:33] Jesse_Eichar: running out to take my car in
> to the shop and get some food
>  [2009-01-16 11::53:48] moovida: yup, later
>  [2009-01-16 11::54:17] » acuster joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 11::54:44] » acuster is now known as avc_afk.
>  [2009-01-16 12::13:11] tupi: out for lunch...
>  [2009-01-16 12::14:00] moovida: ciao
>  [2009-01-16 12::22:15] silli: Jesse_Eichar: the link you sent me doesn't work
>  [2009-01-16 12::31:49] Jesse_Eichar: got it
>  [2009-01-16 12::39:49] » aborruso joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 12::43:10] tupi: back
>  [2009-01-16 12::43:12] aborruso: hi moovida
>  [2009-01-16 12::43:30] moovida: hi aborruso, tupi is away now
>  [2009-01-16 12::43:58] aborruso: wait a moment
>  [2009-01-16 12::45:13] tupi: tupi is back!
>  [2009-01-16 12::46:59] » don_g left the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 12::47:24] moovida: hi tupi, aborruso was a WMS reporter also
>  [2009-01-16 12::48:47] tupi: yep. one problem is the icon on the
> layersview. what should be done with larger icons (that not fit the
> 16x16 dimensions).
>  [2009-01-16 12::49:49] aborruso: tupi
>  [2009-01-16 12::50:01] tupi: I cannot reporduce this. do you mena,
> map doesn't maximize the viewport?
>  [2009-01-16 12::50:08] aborruso: no
>  [2009-01-16 12::50:12] tupi: Yes, i thought i was ;-)
>  [2009-01-16 12::51:15] aborruso: you have seen the movie I have recorded?
>  [2009-01-16 12::52:28] tupi: yes. the point is: the map *does*
> render. i think you want render *and* maximize.
>  [2009-01-16 12::53:13] aborruso: if you see my movie
>  [2009-01-16 12::54:31] tupi: ah! true. sorry. is that a jpg (or
> coverage of some sort?)
>  [2009-01-16 12::55:23] aborruso: ok
>  [2009-01-16 12::58:30] Jesse_Eichar: tupi I think these two issues
> is more important than the layer's view icon
>  [2009-01-16 12::58:49] aborruso: also my
>  [2009-01-16 13::01:05] tupi: OK. I'll leave the icon stuff for now.
>  [2009-01-16 13::04:55] aborruso: thank you
>  [2009-01-16 13::19:44] silli: Jesse_Eichar: I tried your plugin
>  [2009-01-16 13::20:24] Jesse_Eichar: what problems?
>  [2009-01-16 13::20:29] silli: always at the same time it is not
> possible to go on with Next and Finish
>  [2009-01-16 13::20:38] Jesse_Eichar: hmmm
>  [2009-01-16 13::20:59] silli: I will check if there is something in
> the error log
>  [2009-01-16 13::21:24] Jesse_Eichar: ah
>  [2009-01-16 13::21:40] silli: ok
>  [2009-01-16 13::22:26] Jesse_Eichar: hmmm.
>  [2009-01-16 13::22:31] silli: but I am pretty sure I clicked on Cancel
>  [2009-01-16 13::22:33] Jesse_Eichar: I will test more against that server
>  [2009-01-16 13::22:47] silli: try an other time with an other postgis
>  [2009-01-16 13::22:49] Jesse_Eichar: it might be because it is slow
> from here and there isn't good reporting that it is loading
>  [2009-01-16 13::24:12] silli: demo
>  [2009-01-16 13::24:21] Jesse_Eichar: ah ok
>  [2009-01-16 13::25:01] silli: I have an idea... could you please
> develop an IRC plugin for uDig?
>  [2009-01-16 13::25:14] Jesse_Eichar: lol. I think there may actually
> be one already
>  [2009-01-16 13::25:18] moovida: :D
>  [2009-01-16 13::25:19] Jesse_Eichar: we should check
>  [2009-01-16 13::25:25] moovida: that is a great idea
>  [2009-01-16 13::25:34] Jesse_Eichar: The Eclipse communication
> framework has a bunch of stuff like that
>  [2009-01-16 13::25:36] silli: so I put it on my window and I have
> all the stuffs for the code sprints... :)
>  [2009-01-16 13::25:37] Jesse_Eichar: it is a great idea
>  [2009-01-16 13::25:42] moovida: so when you have problems usign
> udig, you open th eirc-view
>  [2009-01-16 13::25:46] Jesse_Eichar: get a lot more people in here
>  [2009-01-16 13::25:55] moovida: and break the balls to some developer
>  [2009-01-16 13::26:04] Jesse_Eichar: means we will have to be nicer :)
>  [2009-01-16 13::26:09] moovida: :D
>  [2009-01-16 13::26:26] silli: :D
>  [2009-01-16 13::29:09] Jesse_Eichar: rendering is probably a
> different issue from the wizard
>  [2009-01-16 13::29:43] silli: yes of course.
>  [2009-01-16 13::29:55] Jesse_Eichar: What data I haven't had
> problems rendering
>  [2009-01-16 13::30:18] silli: probably this is the error I had in
> the connection
>  [2009-01-16 13::31:49] Jesse_Eichar: ok that is fine
>  [2009-01-16 13::32:26] silli: great!
>  [2009-01-16 13::33:24] Jesse_Eichar: ok
>  [2009-01-16 13::33:39] silli: org.eclipse.swt.SWTException: Failed
> to execute runnable (java.lang.NullPointerException)
>  [2009-01-16 13::35:29] tupi: aborruso: the refresh error doesn't
> occur everytime, does it?
>  [2009-01-16 13::35:29] Jesse_Eichar: ok fixed
>  [2009-01-16 13::37:45] silli: I think aborruso is at lunch
>  [2009-01-16 13::40:51] Jesse_Eichar: I don't have a new plugin yet.
>  [2009-01-16 13::40:54] silli: an other thing, in the new postgis
> wizard there is a section "SQL", do some of you know how it works? it
> seems very interesting
>  [2009-01-16 13::40:56] Jesse_Eichar: I will let you know when I can
>  [2009-01-16 13::41:03] silli: ok thanks
>  [2009-01-16 13::41:11] Jesse_Eichar: It was something I was going to
> work on but never had time to finish
>  [2009-01-16 13::41:36] silli: wow!!!
>  [2009-01-16 13::42:08] tupi: silli: got 5 minutes?
>  [2009-01-16 13::43:00] silli: yes!
>  [2009-01-16 13::43:21] tupi: can you try aborruso's proble (s.
> bugtable, 3 WMS bug)?
>  [2009-01-16 13::43:22] » don_g joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 13::43:45] tupi: just load countries, then NASA's WMS
> Blue Marble Next Generation, Global MODIS derived image
>  [2009-01-16 13::44:19] silli: ok, I will try, just a moment
>  [2009-01-16 13::45:25] tupi: important is to maximize the map viewpart.
>  [2009-01-16 13::49:28] silli: ok
>  [2009-01-16 13::50:27] tupi: even the shapefile?
>  [2009-01-16 13::51:20] silli: sorry, what shapefile?
>  [2009-01-16 13::52:45] Jesse_Eichar: ok got to try taking my car in
> to the shop again. They were closed before :(
>  [2009-01-16 13::53:05] silli: later Jesse_Eichar
>  [2009-01-16 13::53:19] tupi: well, according to the wlakthrough you
> (1) load a shapefile - countries.shp9 then you (2) load the MODIS.
>  [2009-01-16 13::53:24] silli: and Blue Marble, Global MODIS derived image
>  [2009-01-16 13::54:00] tupi: i don't think the problem has to do
> with th eshape, but with the WMs not refreshing after a maximize.
>  [2009-01-16 13::54:50] silli: tupi: I tried displaying the country
> shapefile and the images
>  [2009-01-16 13::56:29] tupi: same for me. but the problem andrea
> described is that the sahep came, but the wms didn't show.
>  [2009-01-16 13::57:34] silli: I tried just with one wms, just a
> moment and try with two
>  [2009-01-16 14::12:22] aborruso: here I'm
>  [2009-01-16 14::12:46] tupi: (delay to get coffee...) I'm on win xp
>  [2009-01-16 14::13:58] silli: aborruso: what OS are you using? where
> do you have the WMS problem?
>  [2009-01-16 14::14:26] aborruso: I'm using
>  [2009-01-16 14::15:01] moovida: is so glad to see the free hand
> drawing tool back in this version!!!!!!
>  [2009-01-16 14::15:28] tupi: it's the NASA JPS WMS, isn't it?
>  [2009-01-16 14::15:37] aborruso: I think yes
>  [2009-01-16 14::17:09] moovida: Jesse_Eichar: are you around?
>  [2009-01-16 14::17:55] tupi: i think he's crusing to a shop to grab
> something to eat
>  [2009-01-16 14::18:45] moovida: okky
>  [2009-01-16 14::19:07] aborruso: silli are you able to reproduce my problem?
>  [2009-01-16 14::19:20] moovida: and at some depth of udig i get lost :
>  [2009-01-16 14::20:02] silli: aborruso: no, I tried visualizing the
> blue marble and the country shapefile
>  [2009-01-16 14::20:08] mauricio: well
>  [2009-01-16 14::20:23] silli: and if I maximize everything works
>  [2009-01-16 14::20:31] aborruso: Are you on a mac?
>  [2009-01-16 14::20:36] mauricio: we found a problem between
> TableView and SelectionToo
>  [2009-01-16 14::20:59] tupi: yes. the problem is reproducible...but
> not always.
>  [2009-01-16 14::21:03] mauricio: Now it save the modified filter
>  [2009-01-16 14::21:08] aborruso: mmm
>  [2009-01-16 14::21:12] moovida: mauricio: very good, I always feel
> that the editing tools are the most complex hell :)
>  [2009-01-16 14::21:27] mauricio: :)
>  [2009-01-16 14::22:01] tupi: i think it's related to the viewpart
> (whether it has been resized or not)
>  [2009-01-16 14::22:34] aborruso: do you have seen the also the legend problem?
>  [2009-01-16 14::22:39] tupi: silli, aborruso: please try this.
> maximize the window, then resize it so as to chnage the mapview
> dimension
>  [2009-01-16 14::23:27] aborruso: it's ok
>  [2009-01-16 14::23:30] tupi: what legend problem? I'm using the
> bugslist as a reference
>  [2009-01-16 14::23:42] aborruso: me too
>  [2009-01-16 14::26:41] » avc_afk left the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 14::26:41] aborruso: the 4th point
>  [2009-01-16 14::27:08] tupi: I see.
>  [2009-01-16 14::28:27] silli: the WMS visualization woks fine for
> me, even if I change all the window dimension. The only problem I see
> here is that the image is not fitted in the Map View
>  [2009-01-16 14::35:40] » acuster joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 14::35:48] tupi: I thnk I've got the problem with the
> north arrow...
>  [2009-01-16 14::35:53] » acuster is now known as avc_afk.
>  [2009-01-16 14::36:34] tupi: anyone willing to try a patch out (2
> codelines :-)
>  [2009-01-16 14::38:11] moovida: ? you mean Silli and aborruso or also us?
>  [2009-01-16 14::39:06] tupi: :-(
>  [2009-01-16 14::39:16] aborruso: :-(
>  [2009-01-16 14::39:22] moovida: sure tupi
>  [2009-01-16 14::40:47] tupi: Please load a WGS 84 layer, turn on the
> north arrow
>  [2009-01-16 14::41:11] moovida: ok, I'm there
>  [2009-01-16 14::41:29] tupi: then pan the map and make sure you can
> turn the arrow around
>  [2009-01-16 14::41:34] moovida: (else adrian will correct me :) )
>  [2009-01-16 14::42:01] tupi: Great!
>  [2009-01-16 14::42:07] moovida: :D ok
>  [2009-01-16 14::42:14] tupi: nor to the patch: open NorthArrowMapGraphic
>  [2009-01-16 14::42:29] moovida: there
>  [2009-01-16 14::42:42] tupi: private double theta(Coordinate ground,
> Coordinate north) {
>  [2009-01-16 14::43:21] moovida: ok
>  [2009-01-16 14::43:42] tupi: works?
>  [2009-01-16 14::43:51] aborruso: you are great
>  [2009-01-16 14::43:55] tupi: that's Italy 0 x 1 Brazil!
>  [2009-01-16 14::44:06] aborruso: grrrr
>  [2009-01-16 14::44:08] tupi: :-)=)
>  [2009-01-16 14::44:09] moovida: hmps :)
>  [2009-01-16 14::45:33] silli: oh please my north arrow...
>  [2009-01-16 14::47:01] tupi: I think
>  [2009-01-16 14::47:58] moovida: yes, that looks better
>  [2009-01-16 14::49:25] tupi: what? should i make the bug list row
> green for the north arrow?
>  [2009-01-16 14::49:58] moovida: yes, it may seem stupid, but it is
> important for me to see things get green :D
>  [2009-01-16 14::50:34] tupi: no, perfectly fine
>  [2009-01-16 14::50:57] moovida: wooot!
>  [2009-01-16 14::51:14] tupi: a different green? :-)
>  [2009-01-16 14::51:28] moovida: no, that is perfect!
>  [2009-01-16 14::53:51] » aborruso left the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 14::54:19] » aborruso joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 14::54:39] tupi: short summary: one WMS issue is not
> quite reproducible. The icon stuff (also WMS category) is not
> important yet.
>  [2009-01-16 14::55:13] aborruso: I think that
>  [2009-01-16 14::55:17] silli: in my honest opinion icons are important
>  [2009-01-16 14::55:19] aborruso: problem
>  [2009-01-16 14::55:45] tupi: shall i tackle the NPE for the styles?
>  [2009-01-16 14::55:58] moovida: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!
>  [2009-01-16 14::56:01] silli: wait wait
>  [2009-01-16 14::56:02] moovida: ups sorry
>  [2009-01-16 14::56:15] tupi: the issue is important, but I'd like
> some more time.
>  [2009-01-16 14::56:36] silli: I can not see what kind of layer I am
> trying to visualize
>  [2009-01-16 14::56:41] tupi: The problem seems to be conceptual.
> waht to do when the legend is large than 16x16 px?
>  [2009-01-16 14::57:19] moovida: tupi: can't you scale keeping the ratio?
>  [2009-01-16 14::58:18] tupi: Oh, it's hard so you want me to do it? ;-)
>  [2009-01-16 14::58:38] moovida: no, only if you want to be 0:2 for Brazil :D
>  [2009-01-16 14::58:41] aborruso: tupi I have a problem related in some way to
>  [2009-01-16 14::58:50] moovida: no, honestly I would not do it
>  [2009-01-16 14::59:04] tupi: I think the layer list (and the
> wizards) don't have space to fit anything larger than 16x16
>  [2009-01-16 14::59:12] moovida: exactly
>  [2009-01-16 14::59:30] tupi: I think so
>  [2009-01-16 15::00:01] moovida: If you keep the ratio and dap to get
> the square, I imagine that could be ok?
>  [2009-01-16 15::00:31] tupi: but it'll look ugly
>  [2009-01-16 15::01:16] moovida: what are the sizes that come int?
>  [2009-01-16 15::01:30] tupi: the dm solutions has 12 x 18
>  [2009-01-16 15::01:31] moovida: big or just some pixels away?
>  [2009-01-16 15::12:04] tupi: here's the legend
>  [2009-01-16 15::12:27] avc_afk: that north arrow code looks
> suspiciously simple. Does it really work in polar sterographic ?
>  [2009-01-16 15::12:44] tupi: what epsg?
>  [2009-01-16 15::12:48] Jesse_Eichar: hi guys
>  [2009-01-16 15::13:07] moovida: Jesse_Eichar: have a question for you
>  [2009-01-16 15::14:01] tupi: You guys worried about legend sizes?
> Check this out:
>  [2009-01-16 15::14:16] Jesse_Eichar: any time andrea
>  [2009-01-16 15::14:31] moovida: avc_afk: why do you say polar coordinates?
>  [2009-01-16 15::16:05] tupi: acuster: does a north arrow make sense
> for polar coords?
>  [2009-01-16 15::16:13] avc_afk: not polar 'coordinates', a polar
> projection (where north can be in the middle)
>  [2009-01-16 15::16:16] » avc_afk is now known as acuster.
>  [2009-01-16 15::16:22] Jesse_Eichar: hmmm
>  [2009-01-16 15::16:34] moovida: line 77
>  [2009-01-16 15::17:17] Jesse_Eichar: Umm that is only for testing moovida
>  [2009-01-16 15::17:38] moovida: acuster: but udig is supposed to
> have north in the middle looking up
>  [2009-01-16 15::18:17] Jesse_Eichar: in your run configuration
> remove that plugin
>  [2009-01-16 15::19:12] moovida: ahhh, didn't notice it is a test
>  [2009-01-16 15::24:06] acuster: ? "north in the middle looking up"?
>  [2009-01-16 15::24:37] moovida: :)
>  [2009-01-16 15::25:24] acuster: or
>  [2009-01-16 15::25:37] silli: moovida: I will test it if you send it to me
>  [2009-01-16 15::26:38] moovida: acuster: not sure what you are trying to say
>  [2009-01-16 15::26:54] tupi: so, to confirm: the fix doesn't work
> for polar stereographic
>  [2009-01-16 15::26:54] moovida: silli: I found a new issue
>  [2009-01-16 15::28:10] tupi: ...but it does fix the reported bug.
> Can leave an issue, and i can review it, sometime...Is that OK?
>  [2009-01-16 15::28:39] moovida: we'll have to ask Jody
>  [2009-01-16 15::28:47] » simboss joined the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 15::29:37] silli: I think polar stereographic has the
> north in the center of the "projection"
>  [2009-01-16 15::30:56] tupi: sure it is. but I need to figure out the maths.
>  [2009-01-16 15::32:02] silli: ok agree, probably acuster have some
> idea or links?
>  [2009-01-16 15::32:20] moovida: I am pretty sure that the north
> arrow started as an exercise
>  [2009-01-16 15::33:03] silli: Thinking that north is in the centre
> of the projection for polar stereographic
>  [2009-01-16 15::33:06] moovida: then reproject
>  [2009-01-16 15::33:13] acuster: jody's algorithm
>  [2009-01-16 15::33:17] moovida: and go back to the pixel
>  [2009-01-16 15::33:28] acuster: start with the point where you want
> the north arrow (in screen space)
>  [2009-01-16 15::33:31] moovida: and you should have the axis along
> which the arrow should go
>  [2009-01-16 15::33:34] acuster: transform to geographic space
>  [2009-01-16 15::36:08] silli: Jesse_Eichar: I added a new line for
> Postgis bugs in the bugs table
>  [2009-01-16 15::36:30] Jesse_Eichar: okey dokey
>  [2009-01-16 15::37:09] » aborruso left the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 15::37:19] Jesse_Eichar: can you clarify a bit silli.
>  [2009-01-16 15::37:24] silli: did you recieved my email with the
> other problem? since it happens only in our postgis I don't know if it
> is a uDig bug or not
>  [2009-01-16 15::37:44] Jesse_Eichar: hmm nope
>  [2009-01-16 15::38:09] silli: Jesse_Eichar: firs this in the list of
> tables available in the postgis database
>  [2009-01-16 15::38:22] Jesse_Eichar: right
>  [2009-01-16 15::38:29] silli: we have also not geometric tables
>  [2009-01-16 15::38:33] Jesse_Eichar: I see
>  [2009-01-16 15::38:42] silli: yes
>  [2009-01-16 15::38:49] Jesse_Eichar: so I need to read the geometry
> columns table and see what is available and list only those?
>  [2009-01-16 15::39:48] silli: I think you the options could be two
>  [2009-01-16 15::44:19] Jesse_Eichar: I am leaning towards 2 at least
> until we have the SQL tab working. At that point it might be nice to
> see all the tables.
>  [2009-01-16 15::45:43] tupi: silli: there are 2 styling bugs I
> cannot reproduce with trunk. I think they were due to
> simpleFeature.getname()
>  [2009-01-16 15::47:13] moovida: plugins for create layer fix are
> here:
>  [2009-01-16 15::47:40] silli: Jesse_Eichar: perfect, with SQL maybe
> option one would be better, but we would change it
>  [2009-01-16 15::48:20] Jesse_Eichar: Now I am going to filter them
> out that is easy
>  [2009-01-16 15::51:40] moovida: simboss: since you are here perhaps
> you would be glad to know that someone reported problems with
> geotiffs?
>  [2009-01-16 15::54:03] tupi: incoherent legend bug: anyone? Shall I?
>  [2009-01-16 15::54:23] moovida: it's yours, I will go for the
> shapefile export bug
>  [2009-01-16 15::55:15] tupi: wel, the legend is something i visited
> last week. so it's perhaps easier.
>  [2009-01-16 15::55:55] moovida: okky, I will be online for a while today
>  [2009-01-16 15::56:08] Jesse_Eichar: silli
>  [2009-01-16 15::56:51] silli: yes
>  [2009-01-16 15::57:34] Jesse_Eichar: I think there is someting funny
> with your database
>  [2009-01-16 15::57:56] mauricio: moovida: yes it can be tested, then
> should we do an export of the plugin?
>  [2009-01-16 15::58:02] Jesse_Eichar: I can do an extra step
>  [2009-01-16 15::58:04] silli: the udig1.1 connected to it
>  [2009-01-16 15::58:15] Jesse_Eichar: and make sure the geometry
> column is actually a geometry column but
>  [2009-01-16 15::58:39] mauricio: or only commit?
>  [2009-01-16 15::58:48] Jesse_Eichar: I will add that extra check
>  [2009-01-16 15::59:00] silli: thanks, Jesse_Eichar :)
>  [2009-01-16 15::59:04] moovida: mauricio: i would first do a plugin
> export, then we test it and then it goes greeen and committed
>  [2009-01-16 15::59:11] Jesse_Eichar: silly DB maintainers making my
> life hard :0
>  [2009-01-16 15::59:22] moovida: lol
>  [2009-01-16 15::59:34] silli: mine too!! lol
>  [2009-01-16 16::11:53] tupi: my findings on incoherent style bug:
>  [2009-01-16 16::12:17] » aritz left the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 16::12:28] tupi: i think the mapgraphic updates ok.
> looks like the colors are wrong because of a wrong img type?
>  [2009-01-16 16::15:55] moovida: what do you mean wrong image type
>  [2009-01-16 16::16:49] tupi: TYPE.RGB TYPE.RGBA, TYPE.???
>  [2009-01-16 16::20:08] moovida: where is this happeneing?
>  [2009-01-16 16::23:04] tupi: time out for me, moovida. must go.
>  [2009-01-16 16::23:31] moovida: ok tupi, see you later around if it happens
>  [2009-01-16 16::23:41] tupi: i think I#m back later
>  [2009-01-16 16::23:59] » tupi left the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 16::26:17] Jesse_Eichar: silli
>  [2009-01-16 16::27:09] silli: yes for me it is ok
>  [2009-01-16 16::42:00] » don_g left the chat room.
>  [2009-01-16 16::42:06] mauricio: Jesse_Eichar: we have a problem
> with our internet provider
>  [2009-01-16 16::42:35] Jesse_Eichar: sure
>  [2009-01-16 16::42:35] mauricio: Jesse_Eichar: in
> webdav://mauricio.pazos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:80/files/downloads/uDig1.2-M1
>  [2009-01-16 16::42:56] Jesse_Eichar: ok tell me when it is there
>  [2009-01-16 16::43:05] mauricio: ok
>  [2009-01-16 16::51:13] moovida: Jesse_Eichar: I have a problem when
> I export the new created layer
>  [2009-01-16 16::51:24] Jesse_Eichar: what's up?
>  [2009-01-16 16::51:30] moovida: in certain (still unknown) conditions
>  [2009-01-16 16::52:12] Jesse_Eichar: sounds like you are incorrectly
> defining the FeatureType
>  [2009-01-16 16::52:31] moovida: I check it before in debug and it looks good
>  [2009-01-16 16::52:54] Jesse_Eichar: because why else would it be
> trying to write geometry to the DBF file
>  [2009-01-16 16::53:05] moovida: yes, I agree
>  [2009-01-16 16::53:36] Jesse_Eichar: that's all I can think of :(
>  [2009-01-16 16::53:45] moovida: ok, let me check once more
>  [2009-01-16 17::08:16] mauricio: Jesse_Eichar: this is the patch for issue 25
>  [2009-01-16 17::08:28] Jesse_Eichar: ok
>  [2009-01-16 17::12:07] mauricio: I will be off line 1 h (I go home
> by train), but I am going to follow issue 24
>  [2009-01-16 17::13:12] silli: ok
>  [2009-01-16 17::13:18] moovida: :D great!
>  [2009-01-16 17::13:24] silli: I would test the 25 patch
>  [2009-01-16 17::13:36] mauricio: ok
>  [2009-01-16 17::13:49] Jesse_Eichar: ok I will apply and upload the plugin
>  [2009-01-16 17::14:01] moovida: I just made the plugins for issue: 28-29
>  [2009-01-16 17::14:37] mauricio: silli: have a look in the comment file
>  [2009-01-16 17::17:06] Jesse_Eichar: mauricia
>  [2009-01-16 17::18:14] mauricio: it is a jar
>  [2009-01-16 17::19:25] silli: I read the comment, try to put
> together your changes and Andre's one and do a test
>  [2009-01-16 17::20:04] » You left the chat by being disconnected
> from the server.
> _______________________________________________
> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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