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Re: [udig-devel] Adding a image layer

Mario Nuñez Jimenez schrieb:
Hello again,
Yes, I am with Java ImageIO and JAI installed.
I have tried to load in UDIG the .shp file for a tiled map (as index) and I didn't get nothing shown on map view, only a grid...
No jpg got loaded except one with bad resolution, and I finally stop trying...

Also I have an important question to ask, how can I hide or show a Layer programmatically?
I did:
List<ILayer> layers = map.getMapLayers();
But what should I do with each layer in order to hide or show them?
I realized that there is a method isVisible() but I need to change the visibility.

net.refractions.udig.project.internal.Layer comes with
void setVisible( boolean value );

that is implemented by net.refractions.udig.project.internal.impl.LayerImpl:

public void setVisible( boolean newVisible )


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