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Re: [udig-devel] walkthrough bugs

Hi Crag:

Just to be clear uDig 1.2 M2 is the first release of the uDig 1.2
stream that was able to even attempt walkthrough 1 (a fact largly due
to Andrea organizing a code sprint in January :-D ).

I would really like you to report the issues in Jira; and please make
a note of the platform (I was working on URL handling and thus had
some platform specific issues with loading and saving projects and
restarting udig etc...). I have a plan to fix these issues; but am
waiting for a period of calm.

Can I ask if you are running from inside your eclipse; or if you are
running the release I made last night?

On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 9:05 AM, Craig Taverner <udig@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I experienced a number of bugs with uDIG 1.2 M2 going through walkthrough 1,
> and wondered if I should report them to JIRA. The other guys working on
> windows seemed to have less trouble, so this could be very specific to my
> environment, Ubuntu 7.10. Also the bugs are the kind of thing anyone doing
> the walkthrough would experience, so I suspect they are not often
> experienced by others. I'll list them here, and will only add them to JIRA
> if you think it is appropriate:
> Main menu bar is missing most items. I have File, Edit, Natigation, Add
> Element, Window, Help. I the screenshots I see File, Edit, Navigation,
> Layer, Map, Data, Window, Help.

Something seems odd there; the "Add.Element" is from one of the code
examples and would only show up if you included the code.examples in
what you were running from eclipse.

So I loose three (Layer, Map, Data) and gain
> one (Add Element). Luckily all cases where the walkthrough expected these
> menu items, there were alternatives in the toolbar or context menus for the
> same actions.

> Add PostGIS Data works but requires serious tricks. Firstly when I get to
> the form that asks for the database name, typing in that field writes
> backwards

!elbirret si taht ?tahw

> Each keystroke appears to be followed by an automatic cursor left
> movement, so typing 'demo-bc' results in 'cb-omed'. If I type it backwards I
> almost get it right, but for some reason have to type 'c-bomed' because the
> '-' moves itself again. Super weird. Then if I press next or finish like in
> the instructions, nothing happens, just a flicker of the button. I found I
> had to press 'list' first and then next or finish would work fine.
> Reprojection is missing the requested NAD83 projection. Search for 42304
> yields nothing and a search for NDA83 gives a long list with nothing that
> looks like the required NAD83 / NRC projection. The only NAD83 projection
> with the word 'Canada' in it was 'NAD83 / Statistics Canada Lambert'. The
> WKT for this differed in many places from the expected CRS, but both were
> lambert, so I used this in the walkthrough.
> Update Sites list is empty, but the walkthrough expects three, JGrass, uDIG 1.1 updates and UWB updates.

Ye splease report these; but lets check what you are running first. I
almost expect that:
- you are running from inside eclipse?; or
- udig is tripping up over a previous installation

The typing backwards sounds like some code is resetting the list
contents of the combo box; as you are typing and confusing matters.

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