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Re: [udig-devel] WMS-C Caching / MapInfo .TAB export

Hello John,

Have a look in the class at the updateID(). Theoretically this method should return a unique identifier for each layer that is supposed to be consistent across runs (at the moment it doesn't look like it does that).


John Hudson wrote:
Hello, I have been working on a patch for the issues but have run into something that is a bit beyond me at the present:

The issue with restarting uDig and not having any wms-c layers re-rendered on the map with error: "Connection to Resource Failed..." seems to stem from the check in CatalogImpl when trying to resolve a handle (an IResolve) for the wms-c layer.

The upon checking each of the layers in a wms-c catalogue entry (in URLUtils.urlEquals ), fails. This is due to the stripRef which is  always different when the wms-c catalogue entry is re-loaded.

Does anyone know how this "ID" is created or saved in the memo, and if it can be changed from this seemingly random ID to something useful? So far I have had little luck tracking it down. Seems it could be a default thing in the SAX parser.

For some clarity the Map.umap is attached: the layersID is "";

But upon reloading uDig the ID for the catalogue entry will be something completely different, so it always returns the "Connection to Resource Failed..." error on that layer.

My forward apologies if this makes little sense...but does anyone have any ideas where I could go looking to solve this? Or any pointers?

Cheers, John

-----Original Message-----
From: udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Graham Davis
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 3:10 AM
To: Jody Garnett
Cc: User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS
Subject: Re: [udig-devel] WMS-C Caching / MapInfo .TAB export

Hi Mr. Hudson,

We are not currently working on the WMS-C tile caching.  It is possible
it has some bugs as it was developed as a first step and version.  And
the tile preloading can definitely put a large strain on uDig and your
system since it is literally sending thousands of requests and writing
them to disk (in queued groups of course) but it doesn't surprise me
that it could crash.  If you see areas for improvements please feel free
do to so.


Jody Garnett wrote:
Hi Mr Hudson:

Sounds like you have your first couple of bugs to report; Graham Davis
was the developer working on this stuff and he may or may not be aware
of the problem. While you wait to hear from him perhaps you can look
into where the problem occurs and make a patch?


On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 7:36 AM, John Hudson <John.Hudson@xxxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:John.Hudson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Hello everyone,

    I'm starting a custom build that will require features from the
    trunk, particularly WMS-C, the custom build involves mostly two

    1.       Disk caching TileCache

    2.       Exporting the disk cache MapInfo .TAB files.

    Is anyone currently working on WMS-C?  Jody mentioned in an email
    last month that we (LISAsoft) might have be getting some work on
    this, I guess that's my queue to say "we get the work, YAY!"... so
    looking at uDig, this is where I'm at:

    After building uDig from the trunk, there is a few issues I would
    like to fix:

                    testing with:

    ·         Upon restarting uDig, (most times) wms-c layers are not
    rendered and causes a NPE here:


          at sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.readJavaFormatString(Unknown Source)

          at java.lang.Double.parseDouble(Unknown Source)






    ·         In Window à Preferences à WMS-C Tiles: Disk Cache
    Location is ignored when preloading cache (win32), it is instead
    just downloaded to "c:/tilecache"

    ·         uDig crash's when preloading WMS-C layers, (NPE in
    TileImageReadWriter.writeTile) (disk not full)

    Possible issues / functionality to be implemented:

    ·         On Disk Cache doesn't populate

    Once these are fixed I will need to add:

    ·         Cache expiry rules (as an extension to the current
    options in WMS-C Tiles)

    ·         Export plugin to export to MapInfo .TAB files


    Johnathon Hudson
    Software Engineer

    LISAsoft Pty Ltd

    john.hudson@xxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:john.hudson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
    Level 1, 30 Currie Street
    Adelaide SA 5000 AUSTRALIA
    Ph: +61 8 8425 8050
    Fax: +61 8 8425 8099
    Mobile: +61 402 300 415
    Website: <>

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    User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

Graham Davis
Refractions Research Inc.

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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