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[udig-devel] WMS-C Caching Demo

I was talking to Jody about WMS-C briefly and he was asking why the list of demos from this site didn't work.

For wms-c server to work you have to point it at a url that returns an xml document with a vendor specific capabilities section that contains a definition of the tilesets. I couldn't figure out how to get that document from the above url. I tried this without any success.

I also tried the getCapabilities of the main geoserver however was unable to get a capabilities document that included tileset definitions.

Jody if you want a demo site that works (at least it worked for viewing data for me) try this site that John identified:

(As John pointed out there are a few issues with this if we close and re-open uDig but hopefully these will get sorted soon).


John Hudson wrote:
Hello everyone,

I'm starting a custom build that will require features from the trunk, particularly WMS-C, the custom build involves mostly two fronts:

1.       Disk caching TileCache

2.       Exporting the disk cache MapInfo .TAB files.

Is anyone currently working on WMS-C?  Jody mentioned in an email last month that we (LISAsoft) might have be getting some work on this, I guess that's my queue to say "we get the work, YAY!"... so looking at uDig, this is where I'm at:

After building uDig from the trunk, there is a few issues I would like to fix:

                testing with:

·         Upon restarting uDig, (most times) wms-c layers are not rendered and causes a NPE here:

      at sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.readJavaFormatString(Unknown Source)
      at java.lang.Double.parseDouble(Unknown Source)
      at net.refractions.udig.catalog.wmsc.server.TiledWebMapServer.<init>(
      at net.refractions.udig.catalog.internal.wmsc.WMSCServiceImpl.getWMSC(
      at net.refractions.udig.catalog.internal.wmsc.WMSCServiceImpl.members(
      at net.refractions.udig.catalog.internal.CatalogImpl.getChildById(
at net.refractions.udig.catalog.internal.CatalogImpl.find(

·         In Window --> Preferences --> WMS-C Tiles: Disk Cache Location is ignored when preloading cache (win32), it is instead just downloaded to "c:/tilecache"

·         uDig crash's when preloading WMS-C layers, (NPE in TileImageReadWriter.writeTile) (disk not full)

Possible issues / functionality to be implemented:

·         On Disk Cache doesn't populate

Once these are fixed I will need to add:

·         Cache expiry rules (as an extension to the current options in WMS-C Tiles)

·         Export plugin to export to MapInfo .TAB files


Johnathon Hudson
Software Engineer
LISAsoft Pty Ltd

Level 1, 30 Currie Street
Adelaide SA 5000 AUSTRALIA
Ph: +61 8 8425 8050
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User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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