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Re: [udig-devel] action tools on dropdown together with modal tools

The fact is that the toolbars are a bit crowded and I wanted to have
small logically connected bars.
In my case the geonotes creation tool and the selection tools are in
the tools bar. The open geonotes fieldbook view is in the bar with all
the navigation things. I would prefer top have a small bar with all of
them together, as I did for the gps tools. It works out much better
for users, else they always have to search around.

> Still if this is being a problem maybe we need a new toolbar construct that
> has toggle buttons for various views of interesting tools... does your
> action just open the view? Does it close it as well? Perhaps you could
> provide more information?

It just opens the view, I could also make it toggle and close, but
that doesn't change much the thing.
I attach a screenshot just to have an idea of what I am talking about.

Thanks Andrea - the example helps a lot. One way that may be interesting is to associate a view with each tool category have the system make the view visible when one of the tools in that category is used?

I am afraid that this is a difficult area to work on which is why I am trying to present a number of ideas.


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