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[udig-devel] GlassPane update


I am still working on a small project to overlay images on a map and warp them to fit. I am using Emily's new GlassPane "layer" for drawing the image and manipulating it on. But I need to work with AWT bufferedImages (not SWT Images) because I have memory problems with large images otherwise.

Currently the GlassPane only draws onto a GC (SWT graphics) and not a Graphics2D (AWT graphics). After a brief discussion with Emily, I am going to update the GlassPane to have a new property telling it to use either SWT or AWT for drawing. This will default to SWT so that any current implementations don't break.

I just wanted to see if anyone had objections to this, or see a better way to go about this. Thanks,

Graham Davis
Refractions Research Inc.

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