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Re: [udig-devel] Udig-Integration and automation

Hello Jesse, Jody and Andrea,

thanks for your quick replies which strongly encouraged me! As Andrea said I think the Community and the Maillinglist are great advatages to uDIG and the light and bright appearence of it - somehow gvSIG looks quit dark (this is only a personal preference).

Jesse Eichar schrieb:

On 17-Nov-08, at 1:19 AM, Jody Garnett wrote:

Helmut Seidel wrote:
My first Idea was to port my whole App-Framework to java and integrate
it into Udig. After a little thought I found this impossible for mainly
three reasons:
- I would have to maintain two branches of code, for several users will
continue to use the existing Framework and pay for the maintainence.
- Second, this is the main reason, this porting would mean to port
several hundredthousand code-lines, a work I simply cannot afford. I
certainly will port some smaller parts but not the entire thing.
- Third I love my perl ;-)
Yeah Perl :-) I would much rather have fun with you figuring out a nice way to bridge functionality. I have had a few people use embeded Ruby or Scala - I do not know if that is an option for Perl at this time? I have also seen projects make use of the plain old command line in order to invoke scripts; - usually gdal scripts :-)

Take a look at I don't know much about it but a google show it to me.
>>> I found this site aswell, but jpl was proptietery code developed by o'Reilly in the late 1990s and is not continued anymore. But appart from that there are (as I think) better possibilities now - for example the Inline::Java- and Inline::C-Modules by which it is possible to call and embed Java-Code into Perl or the XSubs by which it is possible to call C and C++ Functions and call Perl-Functions - the last method should be very solid. So from this point it should be possible to work via JNI.

The idea I'm favouring now is to write or use some kind of glue-class,
possibly written in C++ (via JNI) or java which allows function-calls
from or to Udig. There are only three functions which have to be called
from my application:
- zoom to a certain point (or better window) of the drawing.
- switch a layer on or off
- draw some kind of mark (i.e. a circle) to a certain point.
Jesse has also set up a service that you can send requests to in order to "script" udig (control zoom / pan / add layers etc...) from an external applicaiton. This is an experiment near as I can tell - but perhaps you could volunteer your time with testing / documentation / and the shaping of this idea?

For this module all I currently do is do some communication with sockets. There is a plugin for uDig that opens a ServerSocket and listens. I want to change it to be a Jetty embedded server so we can have an extension point which are servlets.
>>> Of course I would be glad to vounteer in testing/documenting and may be writing/supplying some code aswell. So if I could get some example-Code which shows a path allong which to go I would be glad to contribute something.


User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

Thanks again for your help and replies


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