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Re: [udig-devel] Udig-Integration and automation

On 17-Nov-08, at 1:19 AM, Jody Garnett wrote:

Helmut Seidel wrote:
My first Idea was to port my whole App-Framework to java and integrate it into Udig. After a little thought I found this impossible for mainly
three reasons:
- I would have to maintain two branches of code, for several users will
continue to use the existing Framework and pay for the maintainence.
- Second, this is the main reason, this porting would mean to port
several hundredthousand code-lines, a work I simply cannot afford. I
certainly will port some smaller parts but not the entire thing.
- Third I love my perl ;-)
Yeah Perl :-) I would much rather have fun with you figuring out a nice way to bridge functionality. I have had a few people use embeded Ruby or Scala - I do not know if that is an option for Perl at this time? I have also seen projects make use of the plain old command line in order to invoke scripts; - usually gdal scripts :-)

Take a look at . I don't know much about it but a google show it to me.

The idea I'm favouring now is to write or use some kind of glue- class,
possibly written in C++ (via JNI) or java which allows function-calls
from or to Udig. There are only three functions which have to be called
from my application:
- zoom to a certain point (or better window) of the drawing.
- switch a layer on or off
- draw some kind of mark (i.e. a circle) to a certain point.
Jesse has also set up a service that you can send requests to in order to "script" udig (control zoom / pan / add layers etc...) from an external applicaiton. This is an experiment near as I can tell - but perhaps you could volunteer your time with testing / documentation / and the shaping of this idea?

For this module all I currently do is do some communication with sockets. There is a plugin for uDig that opens a ServerSocket and listens. I want to change it to be a Jetty embedded server so we can have an extension point which are servlets.


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