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Re: [udig-devel] Meeting at 1700 (1 hour)

Thanks I will post it on the blog
On 7-Nov-08, at 9:31 AM, Mauricio Pazos wrote:

Hey Jesse, this is the log.

[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:08:38] <Jesse_Eichar>	hi
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:08:42] <Jesse_Eichar>	emily_g
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:08:49] <mauricio_>	hi
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:09:02] <Jesse_Eichar> anything to talk about today?
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:09:04] <emily_g>	hello
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:09:31] <mauricio_> I would like know the status of trunk
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:09:42] <mauricio_>	could we work in it?
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:09:54] <Jesse_Eichar> depends what you want to do with it
I think
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:09:56] <emily_g> I would like ot know more about the
activemaptracker issue we've talked about on the list
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:10:08] <Jesse_Eichar> how do you change the title of the
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:11:25] <emily_g> sorry can't help you with that one
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:11:30] <Jesse_Eichar>	bummer
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:11:36] <Jesse_Eichar>	oh well
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:11:51] <Jesse_Eichar>	ok so plan for now is:
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:12:01] <Jesse_Eichar>	1.  general update
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:12:14] <Jesse_Eichar> 2. what does mauricio want with
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:12:18] <Jesse_Eichar>	3.  ActiveMapTracker
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:12:25] <Jesse_Eichar>	so 1. for now:
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:13:11] <Jesse_Eichar> I have been working on sextante and
element framework
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:13:25] <emily_g> I added and example on how to make an
overview map to the rcp tutorial.
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:13:27] <Jesse_Eichar> I will be looking at the spliting
of the libs library for Harald
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:14:03] <Jesse_Eichar>	cool that
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:14:11] <mauricio_>	ok
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:14:13] <Jesse_Eichar> Its been a long time coming :) [Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:14:22] <Jesse_Eichar> 2. what does mauricio want with
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:14:28] <emily_g> last time Graham and I updated trunk the lib didn't compile because of dependency on a geotools modules that was removed. I Believe graham reported this to the geotools list but I'm not sure
it ever got fixed.
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:14:28] <Jesse_Eichar>	what's up mauricio?
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:14:40] <mauricio_>	ok
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:14:52] <mauricio_>	we are workin in bug fixing
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:15:05] <mauricio_>	and some tools spike
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:15:20] <mauricio_>	we release parallels
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:15:33] <mauricio_>	finnish
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:15:42] Join	moovida has joined this channel
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:16:19] Join	moovida_ has joined this channel
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:16:24] Quit moovida has left this server (Client Quit).
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:16:29] Nick	moovida_ is now known as moovida.
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:16:31] <Jesse_Eichar> and what do you want with trunk?
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:16:36] <mauricio_>	ok
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:16:39] <Jesse_Eichar>	Trunk can be developed on
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:16:47] <Jesse_Eichar> I can even get you SDKs if you
would like
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:16:48] <mauricio_>	we only need link
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:16:56] * moovida had troubles with his irc client [Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:17:18] <Jesse_Eichar> but if you want to be writing an
application based on it you probably want to watch out.
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:17:28] <Jesse_Eichar> There are some rough spots still. [Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:17:51] <mauricio_> no we only are thinking in plubins
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:17:52] <Jesse_Eichar>	Is that fair emily?
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:17:55] <mauricio_>	plugins
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:18:16] <Jesse_Eichar> so develop plugins for trunk? [Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:18:26] <Jesse_Eichar> It can be done but when do you need
them to be in production?
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:18:27] <mauricio_> our plugins should be compatible with
1.2 (trunk)
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:18:38] <Jesse_Eichar>	ah I see
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:18:55] <emily_g> probably - I haven't used a lot of the features in trunk; our client is using trunk and it seems to work for what
they are doing with it.
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:19:31] <Jesse_Eichar> From the looking I have done the
importing of databases is really clunky and requires odd work arounds
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:19:51] <Jesse_Eichar> The editing is getting better but I
still experience some odd things.
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:20:00] <Jesse_Eichar> But like I said I haven't used it a
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:20:14] <Jesse_Eichar> Eary next year I am going to do a
top to bottom QA run
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:20:16] <emily_g> I've only used it as a viewer for
shapefiles, wms, wmsc, and a bit of wfs stuff
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:20:29] <Jesse_Eichar>	yeah that works fairly well
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:20:49] <mauricio_>	ok
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:21:06] <Jesse_Eichar> that answer your question? You
need an SDK?
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:21:23] <mauricio_>	I think no
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:21:36] <mauricio_>	we could checkout the trunk
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:21:37] <Jesse_Eichar> ok I will try to get you one by
next monday
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:21:43] <mauricio_>	and link with it
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:21:55] <Jesse_Eichar> it shouldn't take long. Harald got
it going so I should as well
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:22:21] <Jesse_Eichar>	ok 3) emily
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:22:27] * moovida wonders if Jesse_Eichar is talking
about the headless building script
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:22:35] <Jesse_Eichar>	yes moovida
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:22:56] <moovida> excuse me, could somebody email me the
first part of this irc?
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:22:59] <moovida>	please
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:23:03] <Jesse_Eichar>	sure
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:23:22] <moovida>	thanks Jesse
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:23:27] <emily_g>	well I have a problem with the
ActiveMapTracker not actually tracking the maps that are open when I create a
perspective extension
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:23:29] <Jesse_Eichar>	on its way
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:23:53] <Jesse_Eichar> I guess I need to know what you
mean by when you create a perspective extension
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:24:21] <emily_g>	I used the
org.eclipse.ui.perspectiveExtensions extension point
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:24:39] <Jesse_Eichar>	ok
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:24:46] <emily_g> and added a view that contains a map to
an existing perspective
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:24:53] <Jesse_Eichar>	ok
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:24:56] <emily_g> this existing perspective is the one
initially shown by the application
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:25:54] <Jesse_Eichar>	right
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:26:14] <emily_g> when the bounds of the viewport model change there is some code that checks if the activeMap is valid and contains
within the visible maps
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:26:30] <emily_g> at this point the activemap is null and
there are no visible maps
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:26:40] <Jesse_Eichar>	to paraphrase
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:26:56] <Jesse_Eichar> you start udig with a certain
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:27:11] <Jesse_Eichar> the perspective has a view that is
a MapPart
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:27:15] <emily_g> (its actually not udig; its a custom
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:27:19] <Jesse_Eichar>	sure
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:27:38] <Jesse_Eichar>	but the view is not being
recognized as a mappart for some reason.
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:27:50] <Jesse_Eichar>	is that basically it?
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:28:23] <emily_g> the first part is; i'm not sure about the
second part
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:28:32] <emily_g> I looked at the ActiveMapTracker class
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:28:39] <Jesse_Eichar>	me too
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:28:43] <emily_g> I think when a perspective with a map is
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:28:53] <emily_g> there is a partVisible function called [Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:29:06] <emily_g> this function never gets called for my
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:29:18] <Jesse_Eichar> There are a few things that take
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:29:23] <Jesse_Eichar>	a perspective is a page
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:29:24] <emily_g> if it did the view would be recognized
as mappart and everything would be happy :)
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:29:33] <Jesse_Eichar>	when you start up
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:30:17] <Jesse_Eichar> The startup method is supposed to
be called and all the pages and views are supposed to be processed.
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:30:55] <Jesse_Eichar>	I would guess that the
viewportmodel change is happening before the start is being called
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:31:38] <Jesse_Eichar>	not an easy problem to fix
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:31:41] <emily_g> I'm not sure about that one, because even if I pan after the the map is fully open I still have the same problem
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:32:01] <Jesse_Eichar>	odd
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:32:16] <emily_g> as a test; once it was all open I
printed out what the visible maps were and there was nothing
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:32:20] <Jesse_Eichar> to be fair this has never been
tested with views so there is probably a but
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:32:26] <Jesse_Eichar>	but=bug
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:32:33] <Jesse_Eichar>	try closing the view
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:32:42] <Jesse_Eichar> and opening it again and see if the
method is called
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:32:52] <emily_g>	I believe it is
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:33:00] <Jesse_Eichar>	in that case it works?
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:33:06] <emily_g>	when the view is opened using an
OpenView action then it works fine
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:33:37] <Jesse_Eichar> maybe the listener isn't getting
properly added on startup.
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:33:57] <emily_g> I looked at the pageOpened function [Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:34:06] <emily_g> and it only adds maps to the openMaps
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:34:16] <emily_g> not the visiblemaps or activeParts list
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:34:46] <Jesse_Eichar>	you are correct
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:34:48] <emily_g> when a page is opened does it mean it is
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:34:54] <Jesse_Eichar>	no it doesn't
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:35:05] <Jesse_Eichar> it could be behind another view
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:35:07] <Jesse_Eichar>	or editor
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:35:14] <Jesse_Eichar> but that is probably the bug [Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:35:22] <Jesse_Eichar> probably a check should be done
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:35:26] <Jesse_Eichar>	to see if it is visible
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:35:37] <Jesse_Eichar>	if yes add to visible maps
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:35:40] <emily_g> so we could do a if (view.isVisible())
then add to visiblemaps
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:35:44] <Jesse_Eichar>	right
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:35:46] <Jesse_Eichar>	also
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:35:51] <Jesse_Eichar> editors should be added last [Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:35:58] <Jesse_Eichar> so if there is a visible editor and
visible map
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:36:03] <emily_g> yup there is a second for editors and
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:36:03] <Jesse_Eichar> the editor should be the active map
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:36:11] <Jesse_Eichar>	right
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:36:15] <Jesse_Eichar>	might be in the wrong order
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:36:16] <Jesse_Eichar>	not sure
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:36:34] Join	gdavis_ has joined this channel
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:36:35] <emily_g>	okay I'll try this.
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:36:44] <emily_g> if I get something working I'll sent it
to you for review?
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:36:49] <Jesse_Eichar> also not added to active maps for
some reason
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:37:11] <Jesse_Eichar>	ah I see
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:37:16] <Jesse_Eichar> that is correct it shouldn't be [Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:37:18] <gdavis_> hey jesse, jody told me he moved some routing code to a "graph" plugin... any idea what plugin that would be?
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:37:47] <Jesse_Eichar>	ah look at the etActiveMap
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:38:03] <Jesse_Eichar> that is buggy in that it doesn't
seem to check the openmaps
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:38:08] <Jesse_Eichar>	only active maps.
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:38:12] <gdavis_> sorry, didnt mean to butt into your
conversation :)
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:38:17] <Jesse_Eichar> yes you can send me a review
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:38:20] <Jesse_Eichar>	np gdaveis
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:38:24] <Jesse_Eichar>	I have to run anyhow
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:38:28] <gdavis_>	ok
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:38:45] <emily_g> okay I'll poke around and sent an email
to the list if I get lost.
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:38:48] <emily_g>	thanks for your help
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:38:54] <Jesse_Eichar>	ok
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:38:58] <Jesse_Eichar>	talk to you all later
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:39:03] <gdavis_>	ciao
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:39:05] <moovida>	ciao Jesse
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:39:14] <Jesse_Eichar>	sorry to be short
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:39:32] <moovida> is there anyone here that would like to
talk about building udig & friends with maven
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:39:41] <moovida>	runnning tests and so on
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:39:56] <moovida> mauricio_: you are approaching trunk
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:39:58] <moovida>	?
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:40:04] <Jesse_Eichar> we can talk tomorrow if you'd like
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:40:20] <moovida> that would be good for me if you can be
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:40:25] <moovida>	even better
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:40:31] <emily_g> I don't have much experience in that
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:40:32] <moovida>	I'm still fuzzy from traveling
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:40:43] <mauricio_> I think could be interesting a build
with maven
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:40:59] <moovida> I would like to setup an environment to
do so
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:41:11] <moovida> ok, then should we talk tomorrow with
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:41:27] <moovida> if anyone has good links to read, please
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:41:38] <moovida>	I will start here:
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:42:10] <mauricio_>	good
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:42:15] <moovida> Jesse_Eichar: a preferred time for
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:42:21] <mauricio_>	I will read
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:42:24] <moovida>	mauricio_: same for you
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:43:13] <moovida> ok, if no preference I'ld say same time
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:43:15] <moovida>	?
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:43:57] <mauricio_>	sorry what time?
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:44:03] <moovida>	17.00?
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:44:06] <mauricio_>	ok
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:44:14] <moovida> but if you have other ideas, just tell
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:44:17] <moovida>	can be earlier
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:44:48] <mauricio_>	well I prefer 15:00
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:45:05] <mauricio_>	is that posible?
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:45:16] <moovida>	for me yes
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:45:23] <moovida>	Jesse_Eichar: you already gone?
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:46:29] <moovida>	ok, we will hear Jesse later.
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:46:38] <mauricio_> moovidea, have you any experience with
maven and eclipse rcp?
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:47:23] <moovida> no, I just read a documentation about
maven, testng and continous integration
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:47:32] <moovida>	and really want to go for that
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:47:42] <mauricio_>	ok
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:47:50] <moovida> so I would be glad if someone would join
the efforth
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:47:57] <moovida>	you have experience?
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:48:06] <mauricio_>	no
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:48:17] Part	gdavis_ has left this channel.
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:48:19] <moovida> great!, so we are ready to start :) [Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:48:22] <mauricio_> but I think that could be great for
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:48:38] <moovida> absolutely, we should really get there [Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:48:57] <moovida> in Jgrass we now start to review, do
unit tests and javadoc
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:49:04] <moovida>	and we need tools to blame us
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:49:13] <moovida> but the same I'm sure is for udig
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:49:22] <moovida>	so if that could go in one
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:49:35] <mauricio_>	right
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:49:38] <mauricio_>	I see
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:49:59] <moovida> also I would like to have a udig product
in every moment
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:50:04] <moovida>	always working
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:50:55] <moovida> ok, I would say that we fix for tomorrow
at 15.00
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:51:02] <moovida>	if no one disagrees
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:51:03] <mauricio_>	ok
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:51:07] <mauricio_>	see you
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:51:46] <moovida>	great, ciao
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:51:56] <moovida>	I'll drop a mail to Jesse
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:52:04] <mauricio_>	ciao :)
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:52:52] <moovida>	ciao
[Thu Nov 6 2008] [17:58:40] Quit emily_g has left this server (Read error: 104
(Connection reset by peer)).

On Friday 07 November 2008 00:18:04 Jody Garnett wrote:
Remember to post the logs :-) We actually could not find the logs from a
couple weeks ago; do you have a copy to post jesse?

Jesse Eichar wrote:

I'm going to be online at 1700 UTC+1 for the uDig meeting if any one
needs to chat

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

Mauricio Pazos

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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