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Re: [udig-devel] basic route finding committed to trunk tutorials


I'd like to take a look at your route tutorial code for a project. Where did you commit it in tutorials? I don't see anything named route or routing?


Jody Garnett wrote:
This is the graph module writen by justin; used by refractions for years and years on JUMP; ported to GeoTools for use with the "Validation Web Feature Server" project in 2003. And now finally available in tool form for udig. This is one of those 1/2 day jobs that is so quick to do that we always leave it until it is needed for a project. JTS also has lots of functionality that you can leverage quickly if needed ... we just need time and motivation to make a user interface ...

Here docs for graph module:

The graph layer is just a visualization of a data structure; the data structure is stored on the map black board (like we always do when working with a domain model). We actually have a couple map graphics to show different aspects of the map black board in this solution...

I do not care about the features; I care about the data structure that has been produced from the features...


Vince Darley wrote:
That sounds good! Can you describe a bit more about the technological approach behind this? I can guess what the "graph" is that is put on the map blackboard, and I understand the Path map graphic is just to display the results, but it's not clear what the 'Graph' layer is for - (for example, why couldn't the nodes be taken directly from the original features without requiring this extra layer)?

Anyway, I'm intrigued, so if you have time, please do say a bit more.


At 23:07 25/09/2008, Jody Garnett wrote:
fun fun...
1. select features
2. right click and choose "Line Graph" (this will generate a graph and copy it to the map black board) (it will also add the "Path" and "Graph" layers to your map - if they are not already there) 3. Choose the "waypoint" tool to select several stops on your path (this will snap to the nearest "Node" in the graph and build a List<Node> on the map blackboad - the "Path" map graphic will show this to you) 4. Right click and choose "Generate route" this will generate a List<Edge> which the map graphic will show to you

Screen snap attached.

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

Graham Davis
Refractions Research Inc.

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