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Re: [udig-devel] Reprojection problem?

Jesse Eichar schrieb:
Sorry I wasn't clear. I was wondering if in this scenario if the CRS of the map or the layer is being changed.

you can test it quite easy on uDig. Import a WGS84 shapefile. Adding new (temporary) layer (geometry = polygon) and add with PolygonTool some features. Switch CRS to WGS84_xyN/S (something proper to your shapefile) and try to add further features. Create a second new layer (still on WGS_xyN/S) add features, switch back to WGS84 and try to add features to both new layers. I get some problems there with features not shown in the map. Don't know if somewhere exceptions were logged but in my own application the console contains many exceptions.


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