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[udig-devel] logs from chat wednesday oct 22

The logs got a little corrupt but most of them are here:

hi Jesse


thanks for coming

you bet

a bit under stress?

yeah I have been spending too much time on uDig over the last few months and am trying to get caught up on all my other work now

oh oh...

understand what you mean

you got it

we have both few time I think

should we start a bit

so I may have a another meeting soon so we should get going

just one question
did you try the issues I reported?
we tried them on several installations and they behave equally bad

I have had no chance at all
I have it running now on windows
is it only windows?

is there a possibility that something went odd between SC3 and release?
no also linux
the problem is that if the problems are there, giving out such a release after 20 RCs

no errors

what do you mean?

in log after export

and the prj?
does it contain something?
or is it just empty?

well I didn't look at the file.  But it does seem to be broken

same applies when creating new layers
that is really odd
mauricio joined the chat room.

moovida:hi Mauricio

Jesse_Eichar:I remember having to make a few changes to the referencing because certain types of CRSs could not be loaded..
maybe it is realated


Jesse_Eichar:I am downloading the SDK and will try to debug the problem quickly

mauricio:I am reading your mails

Jesse_Eichar:That is the big issue.  what others were there?


silli:an other important thing is that the images are loaded two times
this is a bug you solved in the past release

Jesse_Eichar:oh right.  It only happens some times?


Jesse_Eichar:IE with the same shp file it will only happen some times

silli:it happens every time in all operating systems


silli:wait wait

Jesse_Eichar:is it is a tiff with a world file?

silli:shapefile is related to the prj problem

Jesse_Eichar:have you tried the tiff without the world file?

silli:the tiff are have the problem of double loading
just try to check now

Jesse_Eichar:cause my theory is that it is a geotiff with a world file

moovida:in the meanwhile I add teh other issues:


moovida:- wrong ordering issue in the table view
- the help search system doesn't work if the gui language is Italian
that is all we found

Jesse_Eichar:does help work if you just browse?


mauricio:I found some bugs too
in linux distrib
the Edit tool dont work

Jesse_Eichar:lets go onto mauricio
what happens?

silli:ok Jesse, checked and the tiff I load are all with the world file

mauricio:the Edit tools cant add vertex

silli:I don't have one without

mauricio:can not modify the vertext position

silli:yesterday I tried just to move a vertex

Jesse_Eichar:could you delete the world and prj for one of the files and see if it imports?

silli:ok I try
just to add my test on the edit tool

mauricio:but edit tools looks right for windows distrib

silli:trying to move one vertex it doesn't work


silli:I didn't try it on windows
but in SC3 editing tool worked also for linux

mauricio:it sould work
in windows
yes the problem is in 1.1.0

Jesse_Eichar:ok will check when I can.  I don't remember changing anything in the editing so that surpises me
It does work on windows?


Jesse_Eichar:really wierd

silli:Jesse yuo were right, tiff works if there is no prj and no tfw

Jesse_Eichar:The only change I remember is making a change so that you can do selection in table view when a edit tool is enabled.  maybe something happened there.... But why would it only happen on linux.  That doesn't make much sense to me silli.  The problem is because we now support both world+image and geotiff
so it is being imported as both
The obvious solution is to delete the world file when ever this happens
unless you find geotiff plugin unreliable

moovida:? that can't be done

Jesse_Eichar:in that case we may need to think of a solution
why not ?

silli:ok understand... but when importing one that will be loaded two times all is very slow

moovida:in the world file we have the info about position and resolution
only geotiffs have them internally

Jesse_Eichar:Silli just told me it is a geotiif

moovida:so removing wft would place the images wrong and
also scale them wrong

Jesse_Eichar:and the world file is redundant

silli:how can I see that?

moovida:ahhh, ok
now I see

Jesse_Eichar:silli,  see what?

moovida:then you are right

silli:if it is a geotiff

Jesse_Eichar:if it imports 2 times

moovida:if the image is placed properly, then the info is in the internal metadata

Jesse_Eichar:still odd.  But I am less worried.

moovida:the problem is that real gis users have big problems with killing workspaces
so yes, it is odd
we will need an export tool


moovida:but that is future

Jesse_Eichar:well we do
kind of


you can move just the projects and maps
and "theoretically" re add them

moovida:you sure about that?

Jesse_Eichar:there is also the .projectRegistry file
and the .localCatalogFile
those 3 things is all of uDig

moovida:the paths are now really all relative?

Jesse_Eichar:the .metadata directory should be deletalbe
relativity is not well tested. 
but it is there in theory
but the recommended way to "restart" is to delete the .metadata of the workspace
rather than the entire workspace
then .localCatalog
then .projectRegistry

so most problems are solved
just that CRS thing is a stopper
assuming that this is easy to solve

Jesse_Eichar:I am looking into it now.

moovida:what happens to the releaes

Jesse_Eichar:what do you mean?

moovida:just to understand what we plan to do
you create the packages and substitute them?

Jesse_Eichar:ah found the problem
sorry I am a little confused.
you mean should we make new releases?
for the bug fix?

moovida:yeah, I was just asking
I think not

I think we need a new release
will make up 1.1.1
I think
what do you think?



moovida:that is ok for me

Jesse_Eichar:I can send you the patch today

moovida:where is the bastard problem?
okky, that is good

Jesse_Eichar:In shapefile a writer wasn't closed.
I extracted the create PRJ method so it could be used by another class
and messed up.

moovida:alright, everything quite now

Jesse_Eichar:building I will email it

moovida:yup, thanks

Jesse_Eichar:I think I have to run now though
anything else before I go?

moovida:same for me here
not from my side

mauricio:I must go now but i would like read this chat

moovida:I have problems exporting the log
this KVIRC client does strange things

Jesse_Eichar:I will try.  This program does a crappy job with logs

moovida:mauricio left the chat room. (Remote closed the connection)

moovida:or is it just your pc ghost?
guess the pc ghost...
alright, have to run again


moovida:ciao Jesse, thanks
• moovida slowly fading
moovida left the chat room. ("parting apart")

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