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[udig-devel] An update on WMS-C tiles and uDig


This is just an update on some of the functionality Emily G. and I have added to uDig trunk in the last few weeks. Some of this may be old news, but it is a quick run-down of the changes we've been making.

WMS-C Tile servers are now supported in the catalog and there are some preferences you can set in regards to this. On the "WMS-C Tiles" preferences page you can set the maximum number of concurrent tile requests (ie: if this is set to 8 it will use a thread pool size of 8 and only send of a max of 8 tile requests at a time and wait before sending more), whether to use in-memory cache or on-disk cache, and you can also set where to cache tiles on disk or choose to clear the current cache.

Additionally, there is an operation that allows you to right-click on any WMS-C Tile layer in the catalog view and choose to preload all the tiles for that layer and cache them on disk. This runs in a blocking dialog with a progress bar since the layer could potentially contain hundreds of thousands of tiles and doing so many continuous requests and disk writing can be resource heavy. These tile requests are sent off in groups (default is 16 but this can be tweaked with the "max concurrent requests" preference mentioned above) and can take a while. Beware that the onslaught of so many continuous requests could potentially bog down the WMS-C server you are loading the tiles from.

There is also a new tiled rendering system that can be used for rendering any data in uDig. This can be turned on in the "Rendering" preference page. It provides a cleaner flicker-free panning experience when viewing maps in uDig. Emily has mentioned this before via email, but there is also a new Scroll Pan Tool which works very well when tiled rendering is turned on. Emily has also cleaned up the rendering stack a lot, including removing some unnecessary render events.

Graham Davis
Refractions Research Inc.

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