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Re: [udig-devel] SWTGraphics and Performance

Thanks Jesse that is good to know.

I've been working on a pan tool that uses the scroll ability provided with a canvas instead of the transforms currently being used. This makes scrolling much smoother which is rather nice.

However, my problem is that using advanced graphics makes things slow and unsmooth again. I've narrowed down the slow down to the call to gc.setAdvanced(true) in the SWTGraphics class. The rest of the class can still be used (and you still get transparency with the zoom and edit tools).

I'm thinking for now that if I'm panning I was not going to use advanced graphics. This should only affect our new ViewportPaneTiledSWT class. Does this sound reasonable or do you have some better ideas?


Jesse Eichar wrote:
Advanced graphics is needed for transparency with the tools I believe also the edit tools probably won't work as well with out it (or maybe not at all).


On 11-Oct-08, at 12:41 AM, Emily Gouge wrote:

Okay so I've half figured out my answer. This is a preference that we can turn on and off so there is no point in changing any code.

So my question should probably be - what does it do and why is it turned on by default? I seem to get the same functionality with better performance if I turn this off.


Emily Gouge wrote:
I'm trying to make a fast smooth pan tool to go with the tiled rendering system (and automatically add tiles as you pan). I have had some success, however I only get the improved performance if in the SWTGraphics java class I comment out the line that says gc.setAdvanced(true).
What does setAdvanced do.  Is it necessary?
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