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Re: [udig-devel] wms GetFeaturInfo link back to map

I looked at microformats and there is some hope there but the easiest is to define some URLs that we can recognize like:


The reason this is easy is because we can easily intercept hyperlink click but if it is a special tag then we will actually have to parse the HTML file since the parsing is done outside of eclipse.  

I looked at microformats and we could use some of those but the problem comes back to having to parse the file to extract the microformats and I am not eager to commit to that.  

I guess we can check the URL and if the data is GML,CQL, etc.. then we can invoke a handler for that format.  This is easier than parsing a HTML file to obtain this and is probably more flexible than just using links but it a little harder to program.  But acceptably so.


On 6-Oct-08, at 3:15 PM, Jody Garnett wrote:

Okay you are on to something; there is a practice of embeding structured stuff into an html page; (Paul Ramsey told me about it). You could embed structured CQL (if you really want a Filter) or WKT if you just want a Geometry into some of your paragraphs or links. And when the user clicks on those links you could select (or navigate to? the data) and show some details about the content in the browser.

Paul and myself were talking about this as an alternative to the complicated OGC Catalog Service Specification; right now uDig checks for "get capabilities" links ... but its check is pretty primitive. The idea of returning two kinds of data (html for the browser to display; and some structured data for the application to act on) is the general plan ...

One thing you would recommend is to define is a mapgraphic entry to hold a Geometry; I kind of suspect the Axios tools do something along these lines already (but they seem very focused on the concept of a layer) - rather than the more general putting something on the blackboard for collaboration ...


On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 6:33 AM, Tore Halset <halset@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Sorry for my poor explanation. I will try once more :) I showed this to Jesse, so he should know.

Yes, it is a GetFeatureInfo html response that uDig displays in the embedded browser. In this case I sort of control both the server and the client. My wish is that uDig could understand some special links for feature geometries and display them as selections on the map.

Example wms GetFeatureInfo response may contain a link to the wkt or gml or kml ala:
<a href="">geometry</a>

Things to do with such a link in the embedded browser:
 * click on it and uDig will show the geometry on the map as some sort of selection.
 * drag it to the map to create a vector layer

For non-uDig users the link is just a link and will lead the user to the geometry.

For the nautical charts that I am working on, this can be nice as there are a lot of big area-features and a GetFeatureInfo response may list many of them.

 - Tore.

On 4. okt.. 2008, at 01.54, Jody Garnett wrote:

Sounds like you guys had fun ...

I am trying to understand your question/request. The Info tool is just a tool so you can make your own thing ... but it sounds like you are talking about the GetFeatureInfo response coming out of a WMS ?

We have *no* control over what a WMS produces when we ask it for information on an location.

I do not really want to say anything more until I am sure what your question is :-(


Tore Halset wrote:

My users want some way to show a connection between a feature in an html GetFeatureInfo response to the map in uDig. The reason is that the map can be a bit crowded and the GetFeatureInfo response may contain a lot of features.

One possibility could be to provide a html href link to a .wkt or a .gml2/3 in the GetFeatureInfo response that the user can click on so that uDig can show an hi-light/selection on the actual map. This way, non-uDig clients will be able to see the geometries as well.

It would be extra nice if the geometry behind this link could be in a different SRS than the current Map. So, the user might be looking at the map in UTM, but the GetFeatureInfo contain info in EPSG:4326 as the underlying data.

So, what is the best way forward and where should I start? :)

Btw: Thanks for yet another perfect FOSS4G! And extra thanks for the good uDig lab and JGrass workshop!

- Tore.
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