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Re: [udig-devel] Getting started on Linux

Helmut Seidel wrote:
helmut@pc-helmut:/opt/eclipse$ ls
about_files    eclipse         extras    readme
about.html     eclipse.ini   features  notice.html
configuration  epl-v10.html  icon.xpm  plugins

The extras-files are copied into the extras-Folder. I tried to copy the extras-files (i.e. features and plugins) directly into the eclipse features and pluginfolders - the application behaves the same as with the additional extras-folder.
Really? I did not know that ... I was expecting you to merge the two downloads and have a single feature/ and plugins/ folder. Can you check the Help > Software Updates > Manage Configuration and ensure that the plug-ins from "extras" actually showed up? One of them is called Findbugs, another is called Object AID. But the important ones are EMF, and GEF.
I copied the jre to an outside-folder, where I keep my jre's. (I would really appreciate a short discription of how to build a jre.)
Oh - how do you make sure your eclipse starts with the correct jre? are you using the -vm command line option?

The description is on the website; but it amounds to download JRE, Download Java Advanced Imaging and Java Image-IO and follow the instructions from Sun. Since that is such a pain we have made bundles of the result available for people. The instructions we use are here:
As the udig-pluginsfolder lies in the extras/eclipse-folder I found that plugin there:
helmut@pc-helmut:/opt/eclipse$ cd extras/eclipse/plugins/
helmut@pc-helmut:/opt/eclipse/extras/eclipse/plugins$ ls *.udig*
That looks like the correct contents; I expected it to be located in /opt/eclipse/plugins (ie mixed in with the eclipse download).
Finally the contents of my sdk-folder:

helmut@pc-helmut:~/udig-sdk$ ls
configuration  features  LICENSE.txt  plugins  udigsdk.exe  udigsdk.ini
Okay cool this one looks like what I expected.
In my Database/Drawing I have several Textitems (which are the former Textlayers from a dxf-file). If I click to them on my daughters Windows-Machine (the folder-contents of which looks the same as on my Linux-Machines) a Tab appears at the bottom of the window which displays the database-information of the item (for example layer, the text e.a.). On my Linux-Machines this tab does not appear. I tried the "prepacked" version ( on this point aswell and it doesn't display the information either - so it seems not to be a problem of the installation of the sdk...)
Interesting; what is the name of the "Tab"? We eclipse the tabs are called a "View" and I think you are talking about the "Catalog view"; there are pictures of the different views here

Okay now we are getting somewhere; can you - when you start up eclipse like in the SDK Quickstart add the command line option -consoleLog ... and let me know if you see something interesting like a stack trace.


Thanks again


Jody Garnett schrieb:
Helmut Seidel wrote:
Hello Jody,

thanks for your quick reply. First I'd like to say that I didn't mean to sound nasty (maybe you got the impression because I'm not a nativ English speaker) - So I appologize for any nastyness in my previous postings ...
Not offence take; I just needed you to be specific so I could try and figure out what you were trying to do - so I could help you :-)
You're right, I should have been a little more specific about what I wanted to do. Basicaly I tried to follow the Instructions given in the "SDK Quickstart" - guide.

So I downloaded the specified files (sdk-zip, Eclipse 3.3.2 for RCP-Developers and the "Extras-3.3.2"-Package.) The links to the jre-Packages only led to the windows-version (the Linux-version was added on June 11). So I downloaded the file "" and extracted the jre from it.
Great that should work; for next time the linux JRE is available here: If you have any problems with this JRE I can give you the instructions on how to make your own...
I then installed (copied) eclipse and jre as stated (I changed the foldername in the script to a linux-folder name), created a shortcut and specified the commandline-parameters as stated. I then copied the Extra-packages to the eclipse folder - and that's where their occur duplicate folders if I use mc-tool (It's like the norton-commander on dos). At that point I didn't know wether to overwrite or not.
Please overwrite; the "extras" download does have some duplication .... license files and so on.
I opted for overwrite and that seemed to be wrong.
A question for you - does "overwrite" merge the two folders? ie after you are done does the folder plugins/contain an "object aid" jar and an "org.eclipse.ui" jar?
If I used nautilus (like the explorer in windows) the question about duplicat folders didn't appear - I'm not sure about what is the difference.
I am not sure either; have just run through a training course here with linux and we did not have any trouble.
I started eclipse but I didn't change the Compiler compliance level to 5.0 for I was sure that was stated in the script because they used a 5.0_02 jre. I'm not sure about this point either.
This instruction is mostly for people who are using a 6.0 JRE; until mac osx has a Java 6 environment we are going to stick with compliance level 5.0.
Then I followed the steps given in the tutorial without alteration.

When I then started eclipse after overwriting files and ran the UDIG-Configuration the screen didn't look and behave like it should be (i.e windows were missing and I could not create a new project for example. I then deleted the whole thing and restarted the process and now extracted the files from the extras directly into the eclipse folder (no duplicate-folder errors here). And I deleted my workspace-folder. (Maybe it was a source for misbehavement I used eclipse to develop with gvsig as well). Now nearly everything works as it should, except that if I use the i-button and click to an item nothing is displayed.
I am still a little confused by what steps you have taken - can you type "ls" in your eclipse directory and let me know what you see?

I see the following:
13/06/2008  06:55 PM    <DIR>          .
13/06/2008  06:55 PM    <DIR>          ..
07/03/2008  02:34 PM                60 .eclipseextension
28/02/2008  02:17 AM                59 .eclipseproduct
08/06/2008  07:43 PM    <DIR>          configuration
28/02/2008  02:17 AM            57,344 eclipse.exe
28/02/2008  02:17 AM               122 eclipse.ini
28/02/2008  02:17 AM            28,672 eclipsec.exe
28/02/2008  02:17 AM            16,536 epl-v10.html
10/03/2008  04:14 PM    <DIR>          features
10/03/2008  04:15 PM    <DIR>          jre
28/02/2008  02:17 AM             6,506 notice.html
09/04/2008  10:11 PM    <DIR>          plugins
10/03/2008  04:02 PM    <DIR>          readme
If I go into the plugins folder; I see a single udig plugin ...and many eclipse plug-ins :-)
C:\java\eclipse\plugins>dir *.udig*
10/03/2008 06:31 PM 3,563,339 net.refractions.udig.doc_1.1.0.jar
Finally if I go into my SDK folder (this is the copy of uDig we are going to use as a target platfrom - we don't run this!) I see the following:
23/02/2008  01:13 AM    <DIR>          configuration
23/02/2008  01:13 AM    <DIR>          features
14/02/2008  10:25 PM               669 LICENSE.txt
23/02/2008  01:14 AM    <DIR>          plugins

So I think the problems were mostly home-made. I was a little confused about the missing jre ...
Sorry about that; you were very creative in getting a working one :-)
The last point I still need to get working is the information-button and at least the possibility of displaying raster-images (I posted on the users list).
Can you let me know what data you were tyring the i-button on? Perhaps it does not support GetMapInfo operation?
Thanks for your help
Thanks for your feedback :-)

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