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Re: [udig-devel] A problem with a geotiff CRS

try to do this.
Add the prj file to the original tif and tfw and try to import the file in this way. I personally use always this solution to not to go through the gdal or other conversions.

Let me know if this work.


iomeneandrei wrote:
Ciao Silvia,
I'm not expert in projection too. I have produced that geotiff with
gdal_translate (bundled in FWTools 2.1.0 for win32bit).

Silvia Franceschi-2 wrote:
Hi Andrea,
provided that I am not an expert of projections and gdal I think you have something wrong in the geotif.

I hope it's an error of mine and not of FWTools. I have make a diff between
the files and I have had the differences you can see here:

To produce this geotiff I have used this command starting from a tif/tfw
gdal_translate -a_srs epsg:23033 input.tif output.tif

What do you think about?

thank you,


Andrea Borruso

email: aborruso@xxxxxx

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