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Re: [udig-devel] google plugin

andrea antonello wrote:
Again about the google plugin, Jody, I think that is you :)
The plugin is a lie :-) It actually hits a database at refractions that contains results we harvested using a bunch of google searches. It needs to be thrown out and replaces with something that uses a YahooId and hits up their search services; google no longer wants to play with anyone not using javascript.

Oh I think you are asking about making a google plug-in that hits up the google maps data? As far as I know nobody has built it yet.
Is it functional to udig 1.1.x? I would love to try it out, since Ineed an exact rectangle reprojected in my proj from google map. That
would give me a way to export it to tiff and worldfile. Can this be done?
The google projection is available to you from GeoTools; at least on uDig trunk, for details see the geotools documentation - you can type in the WKT definition and export your tiff as needed.


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